Showing posts with label iWatch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iWatch. Show all posts

iWatch: a fantastic concept of "smart" watches with a holographic interface Apple

According to rumors, Apple is preparing to release "smart" watches under its own brand. The display device seems to be made of a flexible glass. With this portable gadget running iOS can be, for example, make a voice call to work with text messaging. And the work is nearing completion, say the new Apple gadget will be released later this year.

Fantastic concept wearable computer "fruit" of the company presented the YouTube user with the nickname FinalCutKing. While device is in a familiar form factor wristwatch with a large touch screen instead of the dial, possible devices go far beyond the most advanced functionality and even "smart" models of gadgets for timing.

Smart clock iWatch running an upgraded version of iOS, and are designed to work as an independent device. Judging from the demo videos, users are actively using their holographic capabilities. If necessary, iWatch show the current time in the air, a map, an image during call video, calendar and other information. A controlled holographic projection possible without touching your own hours.

IWatch also equipped with a fingerprint reader to identify the owner. As planned by the creators of the concept, Apple will release a similar device in 2019.

Apple hired an expert in OLED-displays for the development of "smart" watches

Apple hired a reputable expert in OLED-displays and semiconductors James Lee, who previously collaborated with companies LG and Samsung, OLED Association reported, citing to informed sources. According to informants, James Lee is now part of the staff of the American giant consumer electronics.

Ways to use OLED technology in devices Apple rumored ever since the release of the first iPhone. One of its major benefits is the ability to create a device with a curved screen.

Apple representatives have not yet given their comments on this information, but, as observers note, the new appointment may be associated with the creation of Cupertino own TV or, more likely, "smart" watches iWatch.

So, before there is evidence that Foxconn is testing a new product Apple - wrist device that resembles a clock. IWatch is a flexible display is made of technology OLED, and the device - from material Willow Glass, developed in 2012 by Corning, a manufacturer of protective glass for Apple and other vendors. Willow Glass can be bent around the wrist, and the material does not break, maintaining elasticity.

What tasks can execute iWatch, is not known. It is assumed that the clock will make voice calls, send and receive text messages (dictating to them using voice control Siri) and use the pedestrian navigation.

Wearable electronics is one of the most promising segments of consumer electronics in the coming years. As predicted by Juniper Research, by 2013 the world will have sold 15 million units of electronics underwear, and by 2017 sales will reach 70 million gadgets.

Analysts: Apple bets on wearable computers

Watches and sunglasses Apple - is the visible signs of the impending era of wearable computers, said Gene Munster of research firm Piper Jaffray. IPhone and iPad manufacturer engaged in the development of so-called"Points of the future» iGlass, which displays digital images directly on the lens. The idea of ​​such a device is to allow people to see the data and images on special lenses, and without having to look at the world through the lens.

Technology, patented Apple in this area have not yet reached a level of maturity that would run it in production. But it can happen soon. If this happens, computerized glasses become a new major discovery in the field of personal computing, the analyst said.

With clever clock all the easier. According to Piper Jaffray, the Cupertino company has the potential to release a portable companion for smartphones and tablets in the next two years. In case of success, as a convenient extension of tablets, "smart" watches also have a chance to replace or oust smartphones. Rumors about the imminent opening of the device are already .

According to some, the "smart" clock iWatch receive a small 1.5-inch display. The device will connect to mobile phones and tablets iPhone iPad with Bluetooth 4.0 wireless interface to perform a variety of tasks, such as notification about calls for alarm, SMS and other notices. Answer calls from them can be more useful.

Perhaps, Apple would not hurry with the glasses and watch, but the interest in this area by Google may force the company to take steps in this direction. This is the area where the Internet company shows some advantage in the development of new technologies. In early 2013, the project points Project Glass promises to become a reality in the form of field trials on human volunteers. Actually, Microsoft is also interested in such projects. Apple is God himself commanded to think about the practical implementation of portable PCs.

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