15-year-old has developed a unique case for iPhone

15-year-old from the Czech Republic has launched online crowd funding project startups unique accessory - a convenient and functional cover for the iPhone 5, which, as he says, Better than any of the models offered in the market.

When searching for iPhone case for its new smartphone from Apple, he was unable to find a single model that is completely satisfied with his in functionality. So he decided to create his own version, taking into account all his wishes. So there iWallie.

Behind the four months of analysis and development, the discoverer created a cover, which combines the convenience of a wallet and conventional protective case for iPhone 5.

Right now the project is iWallie as drawings and sketches, so the guy turned to the service IndieGoGo, it needs to raise $ 10 000. After starting the accessory box in production cost will be $ 25 .

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