Showing posts with label News iPhone 5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News iPhone 5. Show all posts

iPhone News Presentation of the iPhone 5 postponed due to preparation of the "cloud» iPhone

Announced in the hearing of the Japanese Kodawarisan date of the official events of September Apple, was denied by the correspondents publication The Loop. Referring to a reliable source, the journalist Jim Dalrymple, said:

Apple has no plans to hold its traditional September 7 event or a presentation of the next iPhone. It is difficult to say why this date fell in love with the site-the primary source of this news, although this choice can be explained by the fact that a good number 7 fits into the sequence of the previous autumn Event company.

Dalrymple authoritatively reported that he had no evidence that Apple is planning something for the media to this day; neither company has rented one of his favorite buildings at this time.
It is assumed that the Apple iPhone release brings to five the last days of September then will appear and some "lite" version of the iPhone, 4 focused on the work in the "cloud". This modification will reduce the amount of solid state memory devices, and reduce its cost.

Some Chinese media have reported that Apple has reached an agreement with local operator China Telecom for the early delivery iPhone 5 and the above-described "cloud" the neighbor before the end of October. Sources of All Things Digital also tend to versions designed for the October announcement of the iPhone 5.
Why Cupertino pulls with the release of the iPhone 5? Perhaps Steve Jobs' company continues to clean up the code iOS 5 and accompanying cloud services iCloud?
According to one theory, namely the desire to Apple at the same time to provide "a full-fledged» iPhone and its "cloud" version is exactly caused the delay in the announcement of the device. It is assumed that the devices will fill the stocks 'apple' stores and operator channels throughout September to October with no problems to meet any demand for the product. To what extent these assumptions are true - time will tell.

Apple is testing a system of voice control in the iPhone 5

According to new reports the company Apple, probably, will equip the iPhone 5 voice control than this smartphone will stand out from competitors.

At a recent snapshot test model iPhone, posted on the site, it is clear that Apple has been experimenting with a new application called "Assistant". It is not known how to run this application, but we can assume that it will make it easy to check the schedule of cinemas, restaurants search for addresses and other pertinent information based on user requests and voice his or her personal information.

The company Apple, as they say, improves the program to finish it to release the iPhone 5, but it is unclear whether developers will have time for the deadline.

Analysts speculated that Apple's intention is to equip the iPhone enhanced voice control, a year ago, when the company acquired a young company Siri, specialized in the creation of voice search programs.

And while many smartphones can claim by some voice control functions, such as Voice Search software on your smartphone Nixus S, apparently developed by Siri technology surpasses all other suggestions for now. And if Apple has over the past year to further improve this technology, the company can take a leadership position in the market for voice control technology for mobile devices.

In 2007, when Apple released its first iPhone, technology used to create this smart phone, surpassed all established competitors. Since then, other manufacturers have caught up and smartphones, as some claim, the company surpassed Apple, squeezing it as the manufacturer of the best in the world of smartphones. IPhone 4 is still selling well, but over the past six months, other companies have already released a number of smartphones, surpassing it in its characteristics.

There are many rumors about the characteristics of the new iPhone 5, which is likely to be on the market in September, but most analysts believe that the changes compared to the iPhone 4 will be negligible: iPhone only five comparable with competitors. Perhaps the unique voice control system, specially designed for the iPhone 5, re-make of competitors to catch up with Apple.

Source: Forbs

iPhone 5: one-third of consumers can not wait

According to the poll-known online resource PriceGrabber, 35% of respondents already going to buy this smartphone.

There is growing more and more messages about the next generation iPhone. At the last conference call on financial performance of Verizon Communication Lowell McAdam, the new CEO, suggested that the smartphone will be available in the next few months. This assumption is consistent with emerging within a month about reports that the iPhone 5 goes on sale in September.

"In my opinion, we are behind by about a quarter to achieve the results that we discussed in January. I think you'll see a jump in profits in the autumn, when finally released iPhone ». According to Lowell MacAdam, Apple did not provide any specific information Verizon, but the leadership of the telecom giant had suggested that the iPhone will be ready to fly: "We felt that the iPhone 5 will appear in early summer, as has happened before, but this time will have to wait ".

On Monday at the site was reported, according to which AT & T is also preparing to release the iPhone 5 in September. Site journalist says: "We were told that AT & T is already notify their employees and employees of the retail need for early completion of training. Managers instructed to complete the training that staff were ready for the expected influx of buyers in September. "

In recent years, AT & T employees were forbidden to go on vacation during the launch of sales of new smart phones iPhone. Has not received evidence that this year the company introduced a similar restriction on the period from late August to early September. When and if, on such measures will know, we all understand, in this period and will release a smartphone.

Recently, on the site PriceGrabber study was conducted, whereby 35% of respondents are already planning to buy the iPhone 5. At the same time 51% of them answered that they were going to buy a smartphone in the first year after its release, 30% by the end of 2011, 14% in the first month of sales, and 7% in the first week. Honestly, I was surprised such a low number of people wishing to buy a smartphone in the first week, taking into account what is traditionally accompanied by a stir the first days of sales iPhone.

And what is expected of the new iPhone buyers? They want a more capacious battery (59%) and a lower price (55%). Remarkably, less than half the respondents reported that they had important access to mobile networks 4G-46%, while 45% want the screen is bigger. About 42% said they would like a higher quality camera.

Personally I have no complaints about the iPhone battery capacity 4. It can withstand a day of active use, and it suits me. You can also safely be attributed to me, those who would like a larger screen, as I hope that Apple will increase the screen from 3.5 inches to at least 4. As for the work in the fourth-generation networks, well, I would prefer to have access to them, but I think that without this function, the world will not collapse, especially if the new smartphone will support high-speed packet data on HSPA + technology from the company AT & T. A better camera? Why not. But the opportunity to buy things for less money? I doubt it.

"The data of our study confirm that iPhone smartphone has developed a wide range of regular users: more than a third of iPhone owners are going to buy a newer model, and it's just a year after the iPhone 4" said Graham Jones, General Manager Site PriceGrabber. "Clearly, people are waiting for new items and many people buy phones only one brand, but at this crazy pace of life and economic uncertainty, consumers prefer to choose less expensive, reliable phone with good performance."


Mobile operators are already testing the iPhone 5 in sealed boxes?

According to recent reports the new iPhone will appear in October, not September, as has been believed for some time, most browsers. NewspaperGuardian has found out some details of ongoing, as they say, testing out a new smartphone mobile operators.
"My sources in the telecom companies have reported that companies were testing apparatus iPhone in sealed boxes. This is an important stage of the release of any phone <...> the iPhone delivered for testing in a closed and sealed boxes, so that mobile operators only, and may verify that their research centers in the compatibility of the device to the network. Security at a very high level, as you might guess, I think, very few employees have access to these folders, even if they open them, the unit itself is enclosed in a remote housing, for which it is impossible to understand what other features this phone has ".

From this report one can conclude that the iPhone is at a stage five of the last check mobile operators, it will take just a few weeks, and Apple is ready to start series production and release a smartphone in September.
Some other sources have also expressed doubt that the smartphone released in October. As noted by Mike Abramsky, an analyst at the market from a Canadian bank RBC Capital, an Apple representative at the last conference on the financial results announced in the third quarter, which ends in late September, Apple expects the change range and it will affect the financial results for the quarter. In addition, Abramsky refers to the results of external research activities of Apple, indicating a readiness for mass production in August and September and release a smartphone in September, as well as additional reports of recruitment and abolition of holidays in the company's Apple, as well as in telecommunications companies, partners.

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