iPhone News Presentation of the iPhone 5 postponed due to preparation of the "cloud» iPhone

Announced in the hearing of the Japanese Kodawarisan date of the official events of September Apple, was denied by the correspondents publication The Loop. Referring to a reliable source, the journalist Jim Dalrymple, said:

Apple has no plans to hold its traditional September 7 event or a presentation of the next iPhone. It is difficult to say why this date fell in love with the site-the primary source of this news, although this choice can be explained by the fact that a good number 7 fits into the sequence of the previous autumn Event company.

Dalrymple authoritatively reported that he had no evidence that Apple is planning something for the media to this day; neither company has rented one of his favorite buildings at this time.
It is assumed that the Apple iPhone release brings to five the last days of September then will appear and some "lite" version of the iPhone, 4 focused on the work in the "cloud". This modification will reduce the amount of solid state memory devices, and reduce its cost.

Some Chinese media have reported that Apple has reached an agreement with local operator China Telecom for the early delivery iPhone 5 and the above-described "cloud" the neighbor before the end of October. Sources of All Things Digital also tend to versions designed for the October announcement of the iPhone 5.
Why Cupertino pulls with the release of the iPhone 5? Perhaps Steve Jobs' company continues to clean up the code iOS 5 and accompanying cloud services iCloud?
According to one theory, namely the desire to Apple at the same time to provide "a full-fledged» iPhone and its "cloud" version is exactly caused the delay in the announcement of the device. It is assumed that the devices will fill the stocks 'apple' stores and operator channels throughout September to October with no problems to meet any demand for the product. To what extent these assumptions are true - time will tell.

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