Apple is testing a system of voice control in the iPhone 5

According to new reports the company Apple, probably, will equip the iPhone 5 voice control than this smartphone will stand out from competitors.

At a recent snapshot test model iPhone, posted on the site, it is clear that Apple has been experimenting with a new application called "Assistant". It is not known how to run this application, but we can assume that it will make it easy to check the schedule of cinemas, restaurants search for addresses and other pertinent information based on user requests and voice his or her personal information.

The company Apple, as they say, improves the program to finish it to release the iPhone 5, but it is unclear whether developers will have time for the deadline.

Analysts speculated that Apple's intention is to equip the iPhone enhanced voice control, a year ago, when the company acquired a young company Siri, specialized in the creation of voice search programs.

And while many smartphones can claim by some voice control functions, such as Voice Search software on your smartphone Nixus S, apparently developed by Siri technology surpasses all other suggestions for now. And if Apple has over the past year to further improve this technology, the company can take a leadership position in the market for voice control technology for mobile devices.

In 2007, when Apple released its first iPhone, technology used to create this smart phone, surpassed all established competitors. Since then, other manufacturers have caught up and smartphones, as some claim, the company surpassed Apple, squeezing it as the manufacturer of the best in the world of smartphones. IPhone 4 is still selling well, but over the past six months, other companies have already released a number of smartphones, surpassing it in its characteristics.

There are many rumors about the characteristics of the new iPhone 5, which is likely to be on the market in September, but most analysts believe that the changes compared to the iPhone 4 will be negligible: iPhone only five comparable with competitors. Perhaps the unique voice control system, specially designed for the iPhone 5, re-make of competitors to catch up with Apple.

Source: Forbs

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