Showing posts with label Programming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Programming. Show all posts

Objective-C Programming Language is the third most popular in the world!

Thanks to Apple and the iPhone OS developer community continues to expand, Objective-C programming language applications for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch , is now the third most popular language in the world! As revealed in the last study, Objective-C has surpassed C + +, with its galloping growth of 4.15% per year. Still far the first two positions are occupied by C and Java, which respectively account for 18.33% and 16% of the global fleet applications.
Just last year Objective-C occupied the 46 th position in the ranking of TIOBE, has now reached the podium, surpassing C + +! Both Objective-C and C + + languages ​​were born in 1983 as the successors of the object-oriented programming language C. If you are served some years in C + + for declaring his victory, Objective-C took only months to pass the "rival". But as he explains Nola Wright of Appcelerator , success is not so much the language itself, and the Apple ecosystem that has managed to create and continually enhance an ecosystem that now enjoys all the benefits of sales of iDevices and their use by millions of users.
After being used for the compilation of the operating system NeXTSTEP , developed by Steve Jobs' NeXT in the mid-80s, Objective-C has become synonymous with Apple when this language was chosen as the basis of Mac OS X, as well as of IOS in recent years. It was created in the early '80s by two developers of a company called StepStone - Brad Cox and Tom Love - but it took decades before he could make his appearance in the rankings TIOBE known. Then came the App Store and the story changed. The sales of iPad and iPhone have opened a new world for developers, creating one of the largest ecosystem development. As confirmation of ArcTouch Eric Shapiro, now "anyone can pick up a book and learn the basics of Objective-C" and start to develop something! From the graph in the opening article of powerful good to note that, starting in 2008, it opened the App Store, the spread of Objective-C has undergone a substantial growth, unparalleled!

This month last document written by TIOBE Objective-C is the programming language used for developing applications now existing 9.335%, an increase of over 4 percentage points compared to last year, while C + + stops at 9.118 %. Below is a summary of the classifications occupied most popular languages ​​in recent years:

What is the most popular language for programming?

For the first time in two years, Java deliver top as the most popular programming languages. The high altitude jumps among programming languages ​​is Objective-C - the language used to code the iPhone and iPad apps. According to the so-called TIOBE Index has Objective-C increased its share by 3.8 per cent. to 8.2 per cent. of one year. Thus the language has overtaken C #, PHP, Visual Basic and Python.
This also makes it clear that the big trend among software developers, mobile apps - it is here that can make money at the moment. Current TIOBE Index also shows that C now has surpassed Java as the most popular programming languages. There is only a slight edge - C is at 17.56 per cent., While Java has dropped to 17.03 per cent. But still it's the first time in two years that Java must give way as the most popular language, and it is the result of a steady downward trend. In third place comes C + + with 8.8 per cent., while Objective-C thus has climbed up to fourth place. Some languages ​​have completely disappeared from the top-50-list. They include Eiffel, PL / I and Tcl. They are replaced by other languages ​​such as Visual FoxPro, Scala and Alice. TIOBE Index is based on a count of the number of developers, courses and providers of software products with the language. 

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