Showing posts with label iPhone OS 6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPhone OS 6. Show all posts

Official: iOS 6 will be presented on June 11 at WWDC

The most advanced mobile operating system world . Thus, the Cupertino company defines and confirms the next operating system for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, better known as IOS 6. Until yesterday it was just rumor, but today came the official confirmation directly from the Moscone Center in San Francisco, where they were placed in a highly visible new billboards that sponsor and herald the new iPhone OS 6.
Until now, Apple, liked to describe their desktop operating system is now defined as the mobile. Obviously the statement is part of, a lot, but it definitely makes us think of something innovative that will surely improve the daily use of our iDevice.
What you see above is the new official image of IOS 6 and is the only "information" - if we may so call it - that we wanted to pay homage, respect for preview at WWDC 2012, the Cupertino company. For everything else we have to wait 11 June we remind you that you can follow the entire event with us, with our blog .

Apple to work on the new multi-user iPad

The Cupertino company would think of introducing (perhaps with the next major release of IOS), the multi-user support on the iPad , to provide its users with a user experience of your tablet completely new and far more complete. Surely many of you will share the use of your iPad in the office, a store or even at home with family members and, therefore, would find it very useful to the eventual implementation of the multi-user support on the Apple tablet . Well, it looks like the Colossus of Cupertino has already tested the hypothesis, and is already working to meet this particular slice of users.
Just a developer, in fact, would have signaled to the website AppleInsider obtained the response from Apple to your email when reporting a bug. The Apple Bug Reporter includes an option to specify whether any mail is a suggestion rather than a bug report .

The suggestion proposed by the developer at Apple, he simply asked the company to implement support for multi-user iPad. And the Cupertino company, through the team 's Apple Developer Connection Worldwide Developer Relations , responded with words rather clear:
"After further investigation, it was noted that his suggestion is a known issue, which is currently under analysis by our team of engineers."
The response of Apple is not the first indication that the company might be working to introduce support for multi-user on the iPad . Already in 2010, in fact, before the official announcement of the first iPad, The Wall Street Journal reported that one of the first prototypes of the tablet was designed to allow the sharing and customization by multiple family members. It will be one of the most striking features of the new mobile operating system iPhone OS 6 will be presented at the next WWDC 2012 in San Francisco ?  by

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