Official: iOS 6 will be presented on June 11 at WWDC

The most advanced mobile operating system world . Thus, the Cupertino company defines and confirms the next operating system for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, better known as IOS 6. Until yesterday it was just rumor, but today came the official confirmation directly from the Moscone Center in San Francisco, where they were placed in a highly visible new billboards that sponsor and herald the new iPhone OS 6.
Until now, Apple, liked to describe their desktop operating system is now defined as the mobile. Obviously the statement is part of, a lot, but it definitely makes us think of something innovative that will surely improve the daily use of our iDevice.
What you see above is the new official image of IOS 6 and is the only "information" - if we may so call it - that we wanted to pay homage, respect for preview at WWDC 2012, the Cupertino company. For everything else we have to wait 11 June we remind you that you can follow the entire event with us, with our blog .

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