OnDevice analytical agency conducted a study of users of
mobile devices in the U.S., the purpose of which was to determine what best
meets the smartphone users. iPhone 5 was in fifth place in the ranking of the
degree of satisfaction, giving leadership to mobile devices of other brands,
including Motorola, HTC and Samsung.
To assess the satisfaction of mobile devices used, as noted,
the traditional method, which includes an assessment of the product in several
key criteria. Smartphone their list looks like this: usability of the device,
operating system, device capabilities, design and capacity of the battery.
The research analysts OnDevice found that among smartphone
most points scored unit of Motorola Atrix HD with index 8.57 points. In second
place is also a smartphone Motorola - Droid Razr M (8,5). Behind them is a HTC
Rezound 4G (8,32) and the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (8.26). The top five leaders -
iPhone 5 (8.23).
A study of OnDevice was aimed to find out what products are
most complete satisfy consumers. Here, leadership belongs to Apple - the
company gained 7.72 points. Little surprise was the fact that the last place
went to the Korean manufacturer Samsung (6,15), but the surprise on the list of
Google, which is not the manufacturer of smartphones. Internet Corporation is
rated second.