iPhone 5: The San Francisco Police come clean teamwork with Apple to track down the stolen prototype

A few days ago we reported the amazing news that starring, once again, an Apple employee a little careless. According to rumors, in fact, history would repeat itself, and one of the Apple engineers would have lost a prototype of the iPhone 5, the next exit on the market. The San Francisco police, in some way, confirmed the news.

While at first the SFPD (San Francisco Police Department) did not have a personal statement about the affair of the stolen prototype, it seems that in the last hours has recanted.

According to some sources, in fact, some members of the San Francisco police, the city where the crime would have occurred, has confirmed the support that the local police are offering to Apple in search of the lost prototype iPhone 5 , stirring, then, increasingly, the news that Apple has really lost something very precious.

Lieutenant Troy Dangerfield, spokesman for the San Francisco Police Department , has said:

"Apple came to us claiming to be searching for a lost object, and some of our agents accompanied the men to the house of Apple ownership of Bernal Heights, reported by Apple itself"

The secrecy becomes more and more dense, and does not exclude further twists in the coming hours. That the past is repeating itself really?

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