New Features iPhone 4S - iPhone 5. of The Situation. October 4 Presentation!

The Apple this time was very good at keeping everyone in the dark about the new launch of the next iPhone. Many rumors circulating on the net, you can see photos of homes or components but does not really reveal anything about the aesthetics and features.

The event is now official, October 4 will be presented to the world the new iPhone . Some rumors speak of a revolution with the introduction of the iPhone model 5 . Others argue that an update of the iPhone will be presented with the name of 4 4S iPhone . Still others think that the event will be presented Oct. 4 more patterns.

All items that have hitherto not been confirmed safe. For the moment we feel we tell you with certainty that these innovations will be introduced on the next iPhone:

  • A5 Processor
  • IOS 5
  • Better quality cameras, 8 megapixel
  • Screen larger than 4 inches (not sure)
  • Changes to the antenna, which led to problems with the launch of the iPhone 4 
The new IOS 5 A5 and the process should enable the development of applications and games with more potential. This we believe is a big step forward in the new iPhone made by Apple. For the rest, do not expect major upheavals.

We remind you that we will be on October 4th forefront published in real time presentation of the new iPhone!  iPhone 4S  iPhone 5

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