Apple releases new model of "space" office in Cupertino

Apple today posted on the web new details on its headquarters, which the company plans to open in the city of Cupertino (Calif.). The campus will look like a " spaceshiplanding on Earth . "
Draft of the second office building Apple introduced a half years ago when it was in charge of Steve Jobs personally. Being in the position of CEO, Jobs unveiled plans for Cupertino City Council. «Apple is growing like a weed. Obviously, it is necessary to build a new campus, "- he said.

Today on the official website published details of a new building Apple, which will be even more than the Pentagon - the U.S. Defense Department building in the shape of a regular pentagon. Muscovites, looking at its layout can learn the characteristics of SC "Olympic".
The new headquarters of Apple should hold about 12 000 people. Four-story structure will complement the current office outside Infinite Loop, calculated at 2800 persons. One of its notable aspects is that it will itself generate electricity for itself.
Apple plans to retain the existing office building, but for additional staff needed new space.

"Place 12 000 people in the same building as many may seem strange, but we need to keep pace with the times and expand capacity at the same time with the growth of the company. Initially, Apple grew spontaneously, but we were always in Cupertino. The company has long wanted to build a new campus, "- said to Apple.

As a place under the "spaceship" was chosen as the territory of the former campus of Hewlett-Packard to Prunridzh Avenue, which  Apple bought in November last year. This land in 1969 for the needs of HP purchased in person, David Packard and Bill Hewlett.

Tim Cook, the acting CEO said that the building will be a huge car park and about 80% of the campus will be occupied by vegetation. In the case of the need to expand the parking will be created underground floor. Apple is going to build here a presentation room, where there will be press conferences and announcements of new products. Complete the relocation plan in 2015.

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