808 PureView, iPhone 4S and Lumia iPhone 800: compare cameras by Sizlocore

Moved by curiosity (and the gauntlet) we went for a little test to compare the cameras 800 and Lumia iPhone 4S with that of the new Nokia 808 PureView.
We decided to make the 8MP shots of all three smartphones, although to be honest the PureView was set in "Automatic Mode".
Nokia 808 PureView:
Apple iPhone 4S:
Lumia Nokia 800:
We absolutely have to emphasize the size of files:
  • The photo taken with the Nokia 808 weighs PureView 567Kb (and is slightly smaller)
  • The photo taken with the Apple iPhone 4S weighs 2.2 Mb
  • The photo taken with the Nokia 800 weighs 1.22 Mb Lumia
Unfortunately, the Nokia booth prevented us from taking pictures of situations better and with more / less light. Waiting for new comparisons we leave you with the photos in detail.
808 PureView:
iPhone 4S:
Lumia 800:
Known . As written in the comments, we took photos with PureView not 38Mpix (but highest quality) because Nokia, for many , this resolution has set in automatic mode .

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