Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts

Top 10 Tips for Creating a Successful Vlog


Vlogging, or video blogging, is a popular way to connect with an audience and share your thoughts, experiences, and knowledge. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned vlogger, there are certain tips and techniques that can help you create a successful vlog. Here are the top 10 tips for creating a successful vlog.



  1. Define your niche: The first step to creating a successful vlog is to define your niche. This can be a specific topic or interest, such as travel, beauty, or technology. By defining your niche, you'll be able to create content that appeals to a specific audience.

  2. Create a consistent schedule: Consistency is key when it comes to vlogging. By creating a consistent schedule, you'll be able to build a loyal audience that knows when to expect new content from you.

  3. Plan your content: Before you start filming, it's important to plan your content. This can include brainstorming ideas, outlining your script, and creating a shot list. By planning your content, you'll be able to create a more polished and professional vlog.

  4. Invest in equipment: While you don't need expensive equipment to create a successful vlog, investing in some basic gear can help to improve the quality of your videos. Consider buying a good camera, microphone, and lighting.

  5. Tell a story: People are more likely to watch and engage with your vlog if it tells a story. Whether it's a personal story or a story about your niche, make sure your vlog has a clear narrative.

  6. Keep it short and sweet: Attention spans are short, so it's important to keep your vlogs short and sweet. Aim for videos that are between 3-5 minutes long.

  7. Use engaging visuals: Using engaging visuals can help to keep your viewers interested in your vlog. Consider using graphics, animations, and b-roll footage to add visual interest to your videos.

  8. Use good audio: Good audio is just as important as good video. Make sure your microphone is positioned close to you and that the audio is clear and easy to hear.

  9. Engage with your audience: Engaging with your audience is an important part of vlogging. Respond to comments, answer questions, and create a sense of community around your vlog.

  10. Promote your vlog: Finally, to create a successful vlog, you'll need to promote it. Share your vlogs on social media, embed them on your website, and reach out to other vloggers to collaborate.

How to Fixes bug when updating to iOS 5

The new operating system for Apple devices like the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPhone makes use of the devices more user-friendly. Example by ensuring that you can wirelessly update just now, rather than through iTunes. But unfortunately, does the latest update via iTunes is not flawless. Fortunately the remedy.

With the update to iOS iOS 4 5 have quite a few users reported that they get error messages so that the unit refuses to perform the update. We too have experienced the error itself, and indeed, the update immediately separates it from. After trying literally twenty times succeeded yet, but there is also a method that directly works well. You must do this first iOS5 have downloaded firmware (but you probably have, otherwise you even got the error message). Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes. Connect the device to the computer, launch iTunes and right click on the name of the device (eg iPhone ... ) and then click Backup . Then click on transfer purchases in the same menu, to make sure that you also like your apps and not lost (because the iPhone is erased).

Make sure you first back up and transfer purchases.

The trick lies in the fact that we will restore the device, instead of updating. The difference is that the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPhone first completely erased. Make sure the firmware file in the folder C: \ Users \ User \ AppData \ Roaming \ Apple Computer \ iTunes \ iPhone Software Updates where User name is obviously your user account and iPhone also iPod or iPhone can be called, depending on The device you are using. Now click with the Shift key pressed the button Restore and browse to the firmware file. Once you open it, the device is restored using the new firmware you downloaded.

By restoring instead of updating, the update once it succeeds.

When the update is complete, your device on iOS 5, but is completely empty. Click again, right on the device and select Restore From Backup . Once this is done (this may take a while), you synchronize the device with your iTunes library (which you have transferred before the purchase), and you have iOS 5 and your own data.

How to Microsoft Word 2010 Send the Blog Posts in Blogger easily

In this text you will study how to be more efficient as a blogger and publish your blog posts right from directly within Microsoft Word. Most people, including me, first come about to write on Microsoft Word and next copy/paste it into the blogging back-end posting part

But, the new Microsoft Word blogging rights allow you to connect MS Word directly to your blog in a stuff of only some seconds and post directly to there. Not only that, but the images are also automatically uploaded onto the blog server if any.

If you want to use your word processor to post a blog editorial directly from it, then please the follow the easy commands below in their personal order in order to configure word processor with the blogging provider. Once done, you will be allowed to post a blog article without visiting the wp-admin page of your blog. The instructions are as followed:

1. Click on the “File” menu and click on the option that reads as “Save & Send
2. Now click on the option that reads “Publish as Blog Post”. This will open up the Blog Posting tab. Click on the little icon below that says “Publish as Blog Post”
3. A copy of your document will be opened in a fresh word processor window. We will now need to configure our account, so that it in interlinked with Microsoft Word. To do so, click on the “Manage Accounts” button found on the Top Menu, and then click on “New”.
4. Select your blog source and click “Next”, and follow the simple on-screen instructions to configure it. Once done, your settings will be saved and you can click on the “Publish” button to publish your document straight to your blog.
That is how you can publish blog posts using Microsoft Word – using its very own builtin feature without having to go from any browser to the backend of WordPress or whatever host your blog is on.

How to Create Privacy on your G+ and Modify it!

After several Facebook privacy scares, many have flocked to Google+ for better security, selective posting to "Circles," and a fresh start in social networking. But if you're not careful, you might make the same privacy mistakes on Google+.
Buried around Google+ are many privacy options for posts, photos, and your profile. Here's how to customize those settings:
Customize Google+ privacy
Although you might be compelled to post publicly for better exposure, beware that all public posts are indexed by Google.
Disable reshare: If you're using Circles to keep certain posts limited to close friends and family, adopt "Disable reshare." After posting, click the arrow to the right of the post, and select the option there.
Change album visibility:
 Go to your profile > Photos > View all albums. The little icons next to the album names signify each album's visibility: public (a globe), private (a lock), and limited (two heads). To change the visibility for any album, select it, click the link next to "Visible to," and enter Circles or e-mail addresses.
Control photo tagging: By default, anyone can tag you in photos. To change this, go to Google+ settings (upper right), then scroll down and select which circles can tag you.
Go to your profile and hit "Edit profile." From here, you can click on any element in your About section to change its visibility. Other tabs in your profile, like Buzz and +1, also have privacy options you may adjust.
Change "search visibility": In the "Edit profile" mode, scroll down to the bottom of your About section and find "Search visibility." If you don't want your profile to show up in search results, click it and uncheck "Help others find me in search results."
Hide or expose Circles: When people visit your profile, they can see who's in your circles and who has included you in theirs. Hide either or both of these modules by clicking "Change who is visible here" in the left sidebar of your profile.

How to delete your phone number in FACEBOOK so simply

If you have been on Facebook recently, you may have seen a few of your friends update their status with this warning:
ALL THE PHONE NUMBERS of your contacts are now on Facebook! Go to the top right of the screen, click on ACCOUNT, click on EDIT FRIENDS, left side of screen and click CONTACTS. You will see all phone numbers from your phone (FB friends or not) are published that you have stored in your mobile phone. TO DELETE, go to the right column, click on 'this page.' Please repost this on your status, so your friends can delete their numbers and thus prevent abuse if they do not want them published.

This isn't the first time that Facebook has published personal information about its users, and I don't know how recently this change to sync phone contacts, too, took place. But I can tell you that on my Phonebook Contacts list (Account > Edit Friends > Contacts), many but not all of my Facebook friends' phone numbers--both mobile and sometimes home--are listed. According to Facebook, this Phonebook "displays contacts you have imported from your phone, as well as your Facebook friends." Below this quote in the right-hand column of the Phonebook page, it offers instructions and a link to disable this feature and remove your mobile contacts.
That's all well and good, but unless all of my Facebook friends disable this feature, my number will still be out there, in the Facebook ether. In this tutorial, I will show you how to delete your phone number. And if you'd like, how to delete those of your Facebook friends as well.
I am an iPhone user, and I certainly didn't voluntarily provide my cell phone number to Facebook. (Just because I am Facebook friends with someone doesn't necessarily mean I want them calling me.) I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing my number got added when I installed the Facebook app on my iPhone.
To delete your phone number (or see if your number is listed), log in to Facebook and click the gray Edit Profile button in the upper-right corner of your profile page. Then, in the left-hand column, click on Contact Information. In the area labeled Phones, you'll see any numbers you've registered with Facebook, perhaps unknowingly. Remove any numbers you see there and click the blue Save Changes button below.
Your phone number(s) might be listed on your friends' Phonebook Contacts list.
(Credit: Screenshot by Matt Elliott)
To delete your friends' phone numbers from Facebook's Phonebook Contacts list, click on Account in the upper-right corner of Facebook and then click on Edit Friends. Next, click on Contacts from the left-hand column and you should see many of your friends' phone numbers on the Phonebook Contacts page. In the right-hand column, Facebook provides a description of the page and how to remove your mobile contacts. Click on the linked words "this page" and then on the next page, hit the Remove button.
On the Remove page, Facebook says, "Before you click Remove, you need to make sure syncing is switched off" and gives instructions on how to find syncing on an iPhone.
Before you delete the numbers listed from Facebook's Phonebook contacts, you must first turn off Syncing on your mobile device.
(Credit: Screenshot by Matt Elliott)
To do so, open the Facebook app on your iPhone. From the main menu, tap the Friends icon, then the Sync button in the upper-right corner, then the Sync Contacts button, and then next to Syncing move the slider to Off.


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