Showing posts with label iOS 7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iOS 7. Show all posts

2013 will be the year iOS 7, despite the debut of iPhone 5S and iPad 5

Scheduled for 2013 many new products: iPhone 5S and iPhone 6, iPad mini with a Retina-display and an updated iPad 5. There will be A7 processor and technology LTE, which allows the simultaneous transmission voice and data. Maybe we will see a flexible display, biometric sensors, AirPlay-enabled 4K, built identifier voice, gestures and facial expressions. Apple, in one way or another, will continue on its path to the future, but for ordinary users of technological innovation is enough - they are quite pleased with the capabilities of their devices. Therefore, the most important thing in 2013 will not form inside or outside - and around him. We are talking about iOS.

iOS 6 to prepare the site for the future: to get out from Google, wedged into social networks and tighter targeting the China. The site is built but there is no future, even function with iOS 5 - iCloud and Siri - stuck in the problems of yesterday, despite fresh concept.

After starting the BlackBerry 10 later this month, will be the oldest iOS mobile system in the industry. Windows Phone has not yet found its place in the market, but Microsoft can always pour money and as long as their mobile office - the only part of the company going forward. Android is still behind iOS in terms of interface and usability, but its feature set pulls the whole platform forward. Also, do not forget about the Amazon, Facebook, Intel, NVIDIA, and other companies. They are all present in the market more and more variety of equipment - often much more diverse than the products Apple. But from a hardware point of view is not Samsung (or LG, HTC, Nokia and BlackBerry) will face Apple, namely Google and BlackBerry - who focuses on social mobility system.

The emphasis, of course, is not expressed in these old things as custom applications or minor variations of the interface. No, it is a software, which will force us to look for the right information, and independently provide all necessary. The interaction of the operating system and applications. Multilayer intuitive interface. Cloud technologies that allow to link together the entire ecosystem - so you can access the information when needed and where needed. Devices, operating jointly with each other. iOS version 7 should bring a brilliant synthesis of software and services to the physical device and cloud technologies.

In the coming weeks and months we will fall a ton of rumors about the new iPhone, iPad and other devices, the Californian company. But none of them will be as important to Apple, for us and for the future of mobile platforms like iOS 7, launched this summer.

Quick setup in iOS 7: easy access to the parameters of the system [concept]

The secret to making a good concept iOS is to take into account the basic rule of Apple - the company had not fundamentally change the system interface. As a rule, it is the introduction of some specific elements of iOS, such as Siri, Spotlight, Notification Center or panel multitasking. However, we all want new improvements in each successive version of the mobile operating system from Apple. In this article, we will focus on superior concept quick settings for iOS 7, developed by designers  ALManimation .
The idea came from the same desktop screen Siri, which can be seen when running the assistant. The only icons have been replaced by those that are in the system by default. According to the designer, when he started making the concept, the quick system for android I know. It can be established by the expressions of his acquaintances. The developer has found an application that has a similar design of the interface and some of the same functions. This was the perfect example for the creation of what you can see in the screenshots in this article.

The problem of multi-tasking bar, according ALManimation , is the power button and unlock the screen rotation. For several years, Apple does not change the set of functions. However, the importance of this key is understandable. It is very useful on the tablet iPad, because, for example, iBooks can operate in different positions, and the user chooses a convenient position of the screen. It is also important in the button and the iPhone, where it performs a similar function. However, in its new concept developer indicated it is not needed in the case of the existence of "the Quick Settings" from where you can easily enable or disable the screen rotation.

Edit mode

Very useful and convenient at the same time, showcased in the concept is the ability to move the menu items. Because the very idea, as you have seen in the screenshots above is a list of quick settings by moving some of its elements is a very important aspect for convenient use. In addition, you can hide the unused items, thus shortening the list and select only those menu items that you are going to ask very often.

Dynamic settings

A very useful feature is the addition of quick settings options in the application list. Simply put, if you are currently using, for example, Garage Band, its settings are displayed directly in the quick settings. Thus, you will not need to dig into the application interface to find there the sound settings and other functions.

Rapid access

Calling themselves the Quick Settings developer proposes to "hang" the gesture of shaking. Of course, many people know that such a gesture is used, for example, when printing text, allowing you to open a modal window with options editing. But the same functionality performs the corresponding button on the keyboard, see the icons on the iPad. On the iPhone, the author sees the solution to add a button to the workspace.

However, many applications use a shake as one of the main (or more) ways of managing the program. The author offers to circumvent this situation, disconnecting the call quick settings by pressing the desired button in the application. Access in this case you can get from the panel of multitasking.

Concept notification system for iOS 7 [screenshots]

The resignation of the vice-president of Apple Scott Forstall responsible for iOS, portends big changes to the operating system of the iPhone and iPad. The next version of the mobile platform Apple - iOS 7- Is likely to be very different in appearance from the current iOS 6, which received a lot of negative reviews. Industrial Apple design; Guru Jonathan Ive, responsible for developing the look of all the Apple products. As expected, it implements a more abstract and logical design of the program covers all mobile devices Apple.

One of the system partition, which had long been in need of positive change - Notification Center. This function has become a key innovation of iOS 5, as implemented in its banner announcements no longer require user intervention and does not distract from what you were doing before. They are minimalist and displays information on the screen in a compressed format, which allows them to not take up much space.

However, implementing a system of banners iOS 5, Apple has upheld pop reminders. Even in iOS 6, they are very different in design to the banners and look rather archaic. The Verge reader under the name Sentry suggested bringing pop to the overall style of the mobile platform Apple, combining them with the notification system.

Sentry decided to implement in iOS alert with quick response. In the images banners SMS-application, you can see a small icon to write a response. In the case of any program for the exchange of messages by clicking on it will open a window with buttons Reply and Close. Without going into the main application, the user will be able to quickly respond to SMS, messages from Facebook or Twitter.

Offers similar functionality, in particular; BiteSMS, a popular replacement iMessage on iPhone jailbroken. The advantage of this tweak is that it allows you to type a new SMS or reply to a message without leaving the other cases, regardless of the order in which application you are working. The implementation of such a function in the operating system Apple will welcome to change for most users devices on iOS.

The analyst issued a schedule of iPhone 5S, iPad mini with Retina display and TV iTV in 2013

Analyst Gene Munster of Piper Jaffray Companies of predictions about the release of new products from Apple in 2013. In addition to the TV iTV, according to the expert, The corporation plans to launch its own Internet radio, as well as to provide smartphone iPhone 5S. Next year will be a year of great change in the product line Apple, Munster said.

The expert believes that TV iTV will be one of three major new products Apple in 2013. To start a company selling the device at the end of the year in anticipation of the holidays. Earlier Munster predicted that Apple announces a revolutionary product in December 2012. ITV starting price range of $ 1,500 to $ 2,000, and the range will be presented several models with screens from 42 inches to 55 inches.

According to analysts, in March, Apple will introduce the second generation iPad mini. According to reports by insiders, at the beginning, the company intends to produce 7.9-inch display Retina. Their resolution is 2048 × 1536 pixels, and the index number of dots per inch - 324 ppi. At the same time, Apple will release an updated version of the set-top box Apple TV, which will be supported by third-party applications.

Along with the Apple TV will be launched online radio Apple, which will compete with service Pandora, Munster said. It is assumed that the new service will work on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, a Mac, and also, possibly, to the PC. Its special feature is the adaptation of broadcast content to the tastes of the listener in real time - the music for the user will be chosen according to your preferences, to demonstrate to them earlier.

Another important product of 2013 Gene Munster called the iPhone 5S, which will be a minor update iPhone 5, with a more powerful processor, additional memory and better camera. Announcement of the device, according to experts, will be held in September.

The analyst also expects the release of the operating system  OS X Lynx  and iOS in June 7 developer conference WWDC. Munster suggests that the new version of the mobile platform - iOS 7 - first time users will see their own ideas lead designer Jonathan Ive, who in late October led a team to design a graphical interface.

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