Showing posts with label iPad 3 News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPad 3 News. Show all posts

The new iPad and the yellow halos of the display: our experience

The marketing of the new iPad is now in full swing in our market. At a distance of just over a week after the device you can start to draw up a budget on the first tablet of the defects of youth reported by several users. Despite the limitations of the impossibility of proving a large quantity of tablets, we also report our testimony regarding the alleged defect of the display of yellow halos that was reported on the network.
Let a premise. At the time talking about the alleged problem of the display of yellow halos (theme in some ways and that is accompanied by the launch of every new Apple product) is a topic that must be kept distinct from that of the warmer tones of the Retina display of the new iPad compared to that of iPad 2 . This last aspect should be regarded not so much a real flaw, but rather a feature of the display which can like it or not.
Other speech regards the subject of the presence of more or less yellow zones that characterize only a part of the display . Our evidence, in fact, have shown that in at least two of the four tablets tested by preparing such a defect exists. In both cases, the affected area is greater than the left of the display and marginally dx. To make visible in the area affected by the presence of the yellow stripe we photographed the screen background is completely white and then yellow saturated tones with an image editor. We repeated the test several times, but the result has always been the following:
Even with the second exemplary tried, the result was substantially similar:
At this point we must specify how that can be considered a fault affects everyday use. The perception of the defect will vary from user to user: some people can live peacefully and those who follow the way of replacement. Personally, we felt quite the defect mainly when reading an ebook and some Web pages, but, again, varies depending on the judgment of users. We made two substitutions of our iPad to see if the defect could be rare, but like I said two of the four tested iPad show results similar to those reported.
Waiting to collect further evidence about it, we can only suggest contacting support for a replacement if the product does not suit your tastes. Anyone who buys an Apple Store has the advantage of being able to ask (even in the absence of defects) the exchange or a refund within the first 14 days of purchase. We reiterate, however, that the defect is very subjective. Working with monitors of a certain quality in a graphical environment we have noticed the defect immediately, without forcing saturation in photoshop. Other users may not notice or do not have this problem at all.
Let us know if you too have noticed the defect that we described.

Apple's official response to the new iPad overheating problem: the Apple Reduo indicators

Being in the past few days, has been reported that the new iPad than the iPad heat a lot. First, on the Apple support forums to talk about his own experience, and later the use of infrared testing to prove the new iPad than the iPad 2 heat 5 degrees.
Tuesday, Apple finally official response to the new iPad overheating problem.
An Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller, told The Loop website: "new iPad with an excellent display of the Retina, equipped A5X processor, support 4G LTE network, the use of time remains 10 hours, the operation is perfect, and in line with our heat indicators. users that the new iPad, you should contact the AppleCare. " Finally, The Loop website Jim Dalrymple said they have to use the new iPad nearly two weeks and did not find any overheating problems.

Apple will rule on 'warm' temperatures reached by the new iPad

It almost seems to have unleashed a new cloud of dust that we could define Temperature gate after the launch of the new third generation iPad. We find similar terminology going back a few months and remember Antenna gate and / or Battery gate? This time the alleged problem seems to lie in an excessive heating (according to some users) in the lower left of the device .
After numerous reports by the end consumers, on the official forum Apple, the Cupertino company has decided to come forward and comment on the issue. He did so by Trudy Miller, his spokesperson, who has announced that the new iPad works correctly within predetermined specifications.

The new iPad retina offers a fantastic display, a chip A5, 4G LTE network support and over 10 hours of battery life, while respecting our thermal specifications. If our customers have any issues or concerns may contact our AppleCare.

Specifics regarding the operating temperature of the new apple tablet are clear: everything must operate between 32 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. And the new iPad third generation, in some cases, reaches a temperature equal to 92.5 degrees, so perfectly in line with the specifications of Cupertino. So you say, everything under control!

[New iPad] several users complain about excessive heat

As often happens, the days following the launch of a new model of smartphone or tablet is characterized by users' reports about suspected defects of youth, or, in severe cases, to real design errors. The iPad is not immune to this practice and, in fact, just three days gone by since, there have been reports of probable defects of the first tablet. Among the most relevant, given the robust topic already active at the official Apple support forum, the figure on the ' over-production of heat that would make the use in some cases not very comfortable , with no result in a real warming that affect proper operation.
Many users have reported an excess heat found in the vicinity of the bottom-left of the screen of the tablet . Possible causes include the presence of the new Chip A5X with quad-core GPU. The conditions in which heat production occurs would be different: some users have noticed the overheating during a game session with a title like Real Racing 2 makes particular use of the GPU, while synchronizing with other icloud, others have accused the heat produced on the brightness of the screen.

Variables are the opinions as regards the perception of heat produced during operation from iPad : iPad for some users become a bit 'hotter than we would expect, for others the heat is likely to produce some discomfort while using . In any case, the evidence presented do not refer to the activation of the safety mechanism that normally acts to prevent damage resulting from excessive heat . It is therefore not correct to talk of overheating, as a heat that would make it unpleasant to use.

Waiting to collect further evidence on this, we refer to thistopic at the official Apple support forum . As always properly report the information described above, without at the same time create unnecessary alarm. The audience is lucky to be able to rely on a user community that is already testing the tablet after placing on the market, community, whose impressions of use may be useful to evaluate the purchase on day one.

All Things Digital: Introducing iPad 3 in the first week of March! (Updated: March 7 will be?)

The whole day is particularly full of rumors about iPad 3 . AllThings Digital , which has always proved a reliable source close to the environments of Cupertino, indicates the first week of March as a good time to  accommodate presentation of the expected third model of the Apple tablet.

The rumors refer to an event to be held in San Francisco at the beginning of next month and that should take place at the center YBCA (Yerba Buena Center for the Arts ), location chosen by the house several times in Cupertino to the ads more relevant .The keynote will be devoted entirely to the iPad 3, of which marketing is supposed to occur within a short period of time, perhaps a few weeks (as was the case with iPad 2).
The rumor just quoted seems to be reflected in the recent leak on the possible release date for iPhone OS 5.1 to cu I have referred this morning . Regarding the firmware, it is called the March 9, while the rumors of iPad 3 identify the date of marketing within the first week of April. The two statements seem, therefore, be compatible. Apple, as already pointed out, is used to release a new firmware upgrade of IOS at the launch of a new device. Recall that iPad 2 was introduced March 2, 2011, the next model might follow, then, the same process of approaching the market
Sources of All Things Digital we provide details many interesting: it would indeed confirmed the presence of a panel Retina Display from 2048 × 1536 - "or something like that" - along with a faster processor ( probably quad-core ) and a GPU much improved. Recall also that, as she emphasizes the source, the name does not have any formal communication is still in doubt then the choice between "iPad 3" and "iPad 2S", and looking at the specifications just spread the second option seems the most plausible. Apple, as is his custom, refused to comment on the rumor just quoted.
To confirm as usual ads of All Things Digital arrives on time JimDalrymple of The Loop , with a simple and resounding "Yep" approval. The same was repeated for the launch of the iPhone 4S and this time the forecast was entirely apt. The news may say so officially, but expect the invitations that Apple will distribute to the press here soon.

Consult the online calendar made ​​available by the  middle YBCA in San Francisco, you notice that on March 7, 2012 has no events scheduled. This suggests that that day would be presented the new Apple iPad! is not the first time by the fact that the online calendar YBCA is deduced in advance the date of future Apple events. 

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