[New iPad] several users complain about excessive heat

As often happens, the days following the launch of a new model of smartphone or tablet is characterized by users' reports about suspected defects of youth, or, in severe cases, to real design errors. The iPad is not immune to this practice and, in fact, just three days gone by since, there have been reports of probable defects of the first tablet. Among the most relevant, given the robust topic already active at the official Apple support forum, the figure on the ' over-production of heat that would make the use in some cases not very comfortable , with no result in a real warming that affect proper operation.
Many users have reported an excess heat found in the vicinity of the bottom-left of the screen of the tablet . Possible causes include the presence of the new Chip A5X with quad-core GPU. The conditions in which heat production occurs would be different: some users have noticed the overheating during a game session with a title like Real Racing 2 makes particular use of the GPU, while synchronizing with other icloud, others have accused the heat produced on the brightness of the screen.

Variables are the opinions as regards the perception of heat produced during operation from iPad : iPad for some users become a bit 'hotter than we would expect, for others the heat is likely to produce some discomfort while using . In any case, the evidence presented do not refer to the activation of the safety mechanism that normally acts to prevent damage resulting from excessive heat . It is therefore not correct to talk of overheating, as a heat that would make it unpleasant to use.

Waiting to collect further evidence on this, we refer to thistopic at the official Apple support forum . As always properly report the information described above, without at the same time create unnecessary alarm. The audience is lucky to be able to rely on a user community that is already testing the tablet after placing on the market, community, whose impressions of use may be useful to evaluate the purchase on day one.

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