Showing posts with label New iPAD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New iPAD. Show all posts

Unveiling the Truth: What Apple Isn’t Telling You About the New iPad Pro’s OLED Display

Unveiling the Truth: What Apple Isn’t Telling You About the New iPad Pro’s OLED Display

Apple's latest iPad Pro has captured attention with its state-of-the-art OLED display, promising users unparalleled color accuracy, deeper blacks, and superior contrast ratios. While these advancements are indeed impressive, there are several crucial aspects about this new technology that Apple has not prominently highlighted. Understanding these details is essential for potential buyers to make an informed decision. 

Unveiling the Truth: What Apple Isn’t Telling You About the New iPad Pro’s OLED Display

Potential Issues with the OLED Display

  • Burn-In Risks
    • OLED screens are susceptible to burn-in, where static images can cause permanent discoloration if displayed for prolonged periods.
    • While Apple likely includes software solutions to mitigate this risk, it remains a concern for users who keep static images on their screens for long durations.
  • Shorter Lifespan
    • OLED pixels degrade over time, with blue pixels degrading faster, leading to a potentially shorter lifespan compared to LCDs.
    • Long-term users might notice a decline in display quality as the device ages.
  • Higher Power Consumption with Bright Content
    • Although OLEDs can be more power-efficient with dark images, they can consume more power than LCDs when displaying bright, full-screen content.
    • Activities such as web browsing and document editing, which often involve bright backgrounds, may lead to faster battery drain.
  • Increased Cost
    • The advanced manufacturing process of OLED displays is more expensive than that of LCDs.
    • This increased production cost is reflected in the higher price of the new iPad Pro models, which might be a barrier for budget-conscious consumers.
  • Color Accuracy at High Brightness Levels
    • While OLED displays generally offer excellent color accuracy, they can struggle with color shifts at higher brightness levels.
    • In extremely bright environments, such as direct sunlight, colors may not appear as vibrant or accurate as under normal conditions.
  • Uniformity Issues
    • OLED screens can sometimes display uniformity issues, where different parts of the screen exhibit slight variations in brightness or color hues.
    • This can be particularly noticeable when viewing solid colors or large areas of a single color, which may be distracting for professional users needing perfect color consistency.


The new OLED display on the iPad Pro undeniably enhances the user experience with its vibrant visuals and deep blacks. However, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks:

  • Burn-in risks.
  • Shorter lifespan.
  • Higher power consumption with bright content.
  • Increased cost.
  • Color accuracy issues in high brightness.
  • Possible uniformity problems.

Understanding these factors can help consumers make a well-informed decision about whether the latest iPad Pro with an OLED display is the right choice for their needs and preferences. While the OLED technology offers significant advantages, it's crucial to weigh these against the potential downsides to ensure it aligns with your usage patterns and expectations.

Apple is only planning a new iPad this year

It's likely to be one of the calmest years for the Apple iPad, even if you could call it the calm before the big storm. Because in 2024 there will probably be a very big upgrade for the iPad Pro with OLED, Apple M3 and more.


But will we even see new iPads this year? Yes, but you probably ca n't speak of the plural. Apple is said to have planned a new iPad Air, which we will see in October, and the normal iPad will also remain unchanged.

And what about the new iPad mini that is on the horizon ? Unclear, the source doesn't say that. Since a small upgrade is to be expected in both cases and we probably won't see any M3 Macs in October , the Apple event on Tuesday could be the only event in the fall. The rest comes via press release.

Apple's official response to the new iPad overheating problem: the Apple Reduo indicators

Being in the past few days, has been reported that the new iPad than the iPad heat a lot. First, on the Apple support forums to talk about his own experience, and later the use of infrared testing to prove the new iPad than the iPad 2 heat 5 degrees.
Tuesday, Apple finally official response to the new iPad overheating problem.
An Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller, told The Loop website: "new iPad with an excellent display of the Retina, equipped A5X processor, support 4G LTE network, the use of time remains 10 hours, the operation is perfect, and in line with our heat indicators. users that the new iPad, you should contact the AppleCare. " Finally, The Loop website Jim Dalrymple said they have to use the new iPad nearly two weeks and did not find any overheating problems.

Apple will rule on 'warm' temperatures reached by the new iPad

It almost seems to have unleashed a new cloud of dust that we could define Temperature gate after the launch of the new third generation iPad. We find similar terminology going back a few months and remember Antenna gate and / or Battery gate? This time the alleged problem seems to lie in an excessive heating (according to some users) in the lower left of the device .
After numerous reports by the end consumers, on the official forum Apple, the Cupertino company has decided to come forward and comment on the issue. He did so by Trudy Miller, his spokesperson, who has announced that the new iPad works correctly within predetermined specifications.

The new iPad retina offers a fantastic display, a chip A5, 4G LTE network support and over 10 hours of battery life, while respecting our thermal specifications. If our customers have any issues or concerns may contact our AppleCare.

Specifics regarding the operating temperature of the new apple tablet are clear: everything must operate between 32 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. And the new iPad third generation, in some cases, reaches a temperature equal to 92.5 degrees, so perfectly in line with the specifications of Cupertino. So you say, everything under control!

[New iPad] several users complain about excessive heat

As often happens, the days following the launch of a new model of smartphone or tablet is characterized by users' reports about suspected defects of youth, or, in severe cases, to real design errors. The iPad is not immune to this practice and, in fact, just three days gone by since, there have been reports of probable defects of the first tablet. Among the most relevant, given the robust topic already active at the official Apple support forum, the figure on the ' over-production of heat that would make the use in some cases not very comfortable , with no result in a real warming that affect proper operation.
Many users have reported an excess heat found in the vicinity of the bottom-left of the screen of the tablet . Possible causes include the presence of the new Chip A5X with quad-core GPU. The conditions in which heat production occurs would be different: some users have noticed the overheating during a game session with a title like Real Racing 2 makes particular use of the GPU, while synchronizing with other icloud, others have accused the heat produced on the brightness of the screen.

Variables are the opinions as regards the perception of heat produced during operation from iPad : iPad for some users become a bit 'hotter than we would expect, for others the heat is likely to produce some discomfort while using . In any case, the evidence presented do not refer to the activation of the safety mechanism that normally acts to prevent damage resulting from excessive heat . It is therefore not correct to talk of overheating, as a heat that would make it unpleasant to use.

Waiting to collect further evidence on this, we refer to thistopic at the official Apple support forum . As always properly report the information described above, without at the same time create unnecessary alarm. The audience is lucky to be able to rely on a user community that is already testing the tablet after placing on the market, community, whose impressions of use may be useful to evaluate the purchase on day one.

Nvidia Tegra 3 Vs New iPad A5X: comparisons and performance comparison (video)

During the announcement of the new iPad was a slide shown by Phil Schiller on the chip used by Apple iPad for the third generation, able to get four times more performance than the competing Nvidia Tegra 3 . The guys at Laptop Mag have thus made ​​a video with the new iPad paired up with a Asus Prime Transformer to try to confirm as reported by Apple during the conference.
Using some benchmark software available for both platforms, the results have not confirmed Quantro reported by Schiller. Overall the new iPad seems to offer better performance in the field of 3D but nothing particularly striking, while analyzing graphics performance tests OpenGL 3D  chip A5X emerged victorious from the Tegra 3 on the benchmark 2.1 GLBenchmark getting about twice as many frames and four times the number of texture (texture pixels ).

In contrast, however, Tegra 3 is out head-on in bringing to fruition in the shortest time possible floating point calculations during some sessions, read and write thanks to an optimal memory usage and management of the operating system. Returning to the pure gaming performance, however, in tests conducted with Shadowgun and Riptide GP both platforms were aligned and performance offered only in the presence of optimization due to hardware differences are real sights, but not as sharp as had been reported from the slide Apple. You will still have to wait even more advanced games and optimized in order to determine more accurately the true performance of the new tablet.
Below is the video comparing the two platforms.

Assessment of the new iPad: Top 10 advantages and disadvantages

Apple's new iPad was in March 16 on sale. So far, the Internet, there have been some of the new iPad evaluation. As had been expected, many evaluation praised the advantages of the new iPad, such as 4G LTE, Retina display, improved camera and iOS 5.1 operating system. As with previously released iPad, the new iPad is already a favorite subject of critics and analysts.
The evaluation is an important part of the purchase process, not all people are in favor of people say to use the new iPad in the past one week. New iPad What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages, which need to improve? The evaluation is to answer these questions to help consumers make a decision, they should buy this product, or should I wait to buy other products.
However, due to the screening evaluation of the article on the new iPad is willing to difficulties, eWeek website there have been some evaluation article summarizes the new iPad advantages and disadvantages, to help readers understand key points.

(1) Retina display is very good
Almost all of the evaluation of the new iPad have agreed that the Retina display is excellent. The display is higher than the resolution of any high-definition TV in the market is a significant step forward in the display of the Apple iPad configuration standards. The new iPad Retina display will be its main selling point.

(2) New iPad is slightly heavier
As pointed out an evaluation, the new iPad is slightly heavier than the previous iPad. However, only the New York Times reporter David Berg (David Pogue) attaches great importance to this issue. He said that the iPad 2 users, after prolonged use, they will feel some heavy new iPad.

(3) 4G of LTE function very well
Although Apple did not spend too much time to discuss 4G LTE functionality in the new iPad, but some reviewers said, this device can connect to the ultra-high-speed network is a pleasure. However, the evaluation warned that the new iPad 4G LTE network coverage is not universal. Verizon Wireless can only cover a population of 200 million, AT & T hopes to cover a population of 150 million before the end of the year.

(4) The same old design
Take a look at the iPad 2 and the new iPad to see a big difference? No. The evaluation did not see the difference. However, people think that this is not a bad thing. They said the new iPad Tablet PC is still the best. Therefore, as long as Apple decided not to provide a new look, this new iPad should make people very satisfied.

(5) iOS 5.1 is not a breakthrough
Apple is now launched for the iPhone and iPad users iOS 5.1 operating system. This software upgrade is released in the last week than the iOS 5 slightly improved to become a breakthrough software release. The evaluation noted this fact, and pointed out that familiar with the iOS 5 users will be familiar to the iOS 5.1 on the iPhone or iPad.

(6) iOS is still the best operating system
However, it is important to point out that the evaluation believes that the iOS 5.1 still is a major choice in the new iPad iOS 5.1 is not a breakthrough release. This is a good reason to. Apple's iOS platform is the best mobile operating system, providing high-quality features, intuitive design and safety. Who does not like it?

(7) Performance improvement camera
On the iPad complain about one of the biggest is the camera. New iPad evaluation to improve the camera is very important, to provide equipment under $ 1,000 do not have a better image quality and a higher level of video recording. When you open the box of the new iPad, the camera will give you impressed.

(8) Apple fans will like it
What have you to the new iPad, that is, it definitely has the feel of the "Apple". This means that the current Apple fans will like the new iPad. Apple fully understand what action to take in order to succeed. Apple knows how to attract its loyal fan base. The design and features of the new iPad reflects this situation.

(9) The new iPad price is reasonable
In any case, the new Apple iPad clearly indicate that the company know if the pricing products. Indeed, for the Tablet PC with a 16GB storage capacity, $ 499 and $ 629 is expensive. However, if compared with competing devices, the price in the market is correct. In addition, as the reviewers said, if Apple iPad is the best Tablet PC on the market, as how a better cheaper product? You may be willing to price reduction of the Tablet PC for $ 500, but Apple's new iPad pricing makes sense.

(10) New iPad is by far the best
The evaluation indicated that the opportunity to incorporate the new iPad as a full range of products. Results clearly show that, compared with the previous Apple's iPad, the new iPad is also an improvement. Apple once again to produce this product: third-generation iPad is by far the best.

Here are the problems with the new iPad screen

Next week comes the new iPad with an HD monitor on the market and other European countries. In the UK Wired has already had the opportunity to test the new iPad - there is not a full review - and here is not surprising enthusiasm of the huge resolution of 2,048 x 1,536 pixels. This is more than a plasma television, more pixels than a Blu-ray movies and higher resolution than the best MacBook Pro - and everything on a small 9.7-inch screen.

There are four times more pixels on screen than of its predecessor, and it should mean that the text appears very sharp and clear on screen. Photographs and films in high resolution would also be a pleasure on the new screen. "I've seen 1080p video on my demo unit, and the quality is incredible. It looks really sharper than anything I've seen before. Think of the first you saw a DVD after you had seen the vhs. Do you remember how clear it all suddenly? It's the feeling I had with the new iPad, "writes Wired editor Nate Lanxon. It sounds fantastic - but the high resolution can also be a problem. It is so high that you can suddenly see the errors in even a small eight-megapixel image.  "The new display is so good that it makes images and video in low quality to look really miserable out. I walked into a news site to read a story and although the text looks fantastic, we could clearly see the compression errors in the small pictures in web solution, "writes Lanxon. The same applies for applications in low resolution - and here it is worth noting that all the current iPad applications to run at low resolution. They are automatically scaled to the new screen, but it also means that images and other graphic content may come to appear pixelated and edgy. In contrast, the iPad better at upscale text. It is obviously only a matter of time before the app developers will have adapted their applications to take advantage of the new screen and its graphic capabilities. Wired also writes that 3D games look very impressive on the new screen - and it helps that the new A5X processor has got quad-core graphics. But if one only uses his iPad to simple games, web browsing and recipes so you can also easily pass with the old iPad, which has now fallen in price, is the conclusion from Wired. 

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