Showing posts with label iPhone 6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPhone 6. Show all posts

The source described the iPhone 5S and 5-inch iPhone 6

According to sources, Apple is testing two new prototype smartphone iPhone - pre-production batches of at least one of them will start in the spring, and sales - this summer.
Contest iPhone 6 with a 5-inch screen

According to CNet, with reference to the Chinese stoner service Sina Weibo, the first model, iPhone 5S, will completely replicate the look of the iPhone 5, while the alternate interpretation- iPhone 6-wider, longer and thinner. Display size of the ultimate is about 5 elevation, said a source. druggies claim that the appearance of the new iPhone he described his friend who works at one of the big companies- suppliers of Apple.


Alleged iPhone 5S features were blazoned at the end of January. According to rumors, the new model will be a 13- megapixel camera with enhanced flash on the reverse of the case and a point scanner, and the range will be extended interpretation with 128 GB ofnon-volatile memory. also the web came the first prints of the factors that allegedly belong to a new revision of iPhone. In addition to prints of accessories for iPhone 5S( the model in the case of iPhone 5), was published image element for the iPhone 6( “ smartphone ” Apple).

Contest iPhone 6 with a 5-inch screen

How reliable this information is not yet known, must wait for the official announcement.

Concept iPhone 6 in the style of the new iPod nano

The creators of the conceptual model smartphone  iPhone Air , studio CiccaresDesign, Apple introduced the concept phone next generation. Own version of the new "apple" device designers called iPhone 6.

Concept device from a graphic designer Federico Kikkares of CiccaresDesign incorporates features of the player of the seventh generation iPod nano and in some cases even a top range smartphone Nokia Lumia. iPhone 6 is equipped with an elongated screen port Lightning and characteristic holes for the speakers and microphone on the lower end of the device. The familiar Home button on the front panel is missing.

It is noteworthy that this phone operates under the operating system «iOSX». According to designers, the future of computing power of mobile devices will be enough to work on a full OS X. This iPhone 6 will be at any time to connect to a monitor and use it as a workstation. The interface for the mobile unit borrowed from iOS.

Pod2g: «If the only way to open the iOS - Jailbreak it, then it comes out. It is not over '

Yesterday, after news that the phrase "We want to open iOS» (# WeWantAnOpeniOS) came out in Twitter world trends , began to support a statement that the masters so recognized defeat to Apple. The reason is clear: instead of the announcement of the program to jailbreak iPhone 5 developers publicly asked the company to open a larger set of libraries and SDK API, allows you to make modifications to the program shell and iOS itself without breaking the firmware.

Today, however, the masters tried to allay the fears of people about the death of jailbreaking. As he put it Pod2g: «It's not over."
"I've read a few sarcastic remarks in the press in which the authors claimed that I created a hashtag # WeWantAnOpeniOS because I can not jailbreak iOS 6 and Apple won. This is not so for several reasons. First, the jailbreak is developed in the underground and it is not ready for public release. Second, this was written not by a master who is developing the exploit - I'm not looking for vulnerabilities in the iOS for several months. I am currently working on my own application and other projects. If the only way to open the iOS - Jailbreak it, then it comes out. This is not over. " 
Of course, words Pod2g gives us some hope, but at the same time, he did not say anything specific: jailbreak is still in development. When in fact, users will be able to install Cydia on your device? Waiting much delayed and, given that, in iOS 6.1 Apple has strengthened protection against breaking, doubts remain in the future jailbreak.

Pod2g: «If the only way to open the iOS - Jailbreak it, then it comes out. It is not over '

iPhone 6 could get display with sonar

Apple smartphone can get a new generation of display with sonar, which allows the device user to navigate in space and to determine the location of objects with high sound signals, says Macworld.

Rumors about the exciting possibilities for the next generation iPhone emerged after the publication of the new Apple patent applications in the Patent and Trademark United States. The company's engineers require to build it into a mobile device display audio sensor and sources of electromagnetic radiation of different spectra. Another Apple patent describes a mechanism for determining the distance to the object based on echolocation.

The publication suggests that Apple could equip the sonar display iPhone 6. This will including reduced thickness smartphone and abandon proximity sensor that disables Touch Recognition feature when the unit is close to a person. In addition, the device can detect a fall. For example, such a mechanism is in some hard drives - feel the drive is "in flight"; they take measures to limit the mechanical damage to the surface of the plates.

But in Apple can go ahead and use sonar to iPhone 6 to recognize the environment in real time. Sonar enables smartphone model environment much faster than just using cameras. So, iPhone could not, for example, lead owner in the dark, showing the surroundings on your screen. It could also create an application for the blind and visually impaired, which issues instructions when driving on unfamiliar terrain. However the timing of the practical implementation of the technology is not reported.

IPhone 2013 Concept issue [picture]

If Apple does not have any difficulties, then followed by the iPhone 5 will be a new seventh-generation smartphone. The release device is expected in 2013 and it is too early to say how it will be.
Insiders have not had time to get any credible information about the technical characteristics of the iPhone 6, but the conceptual artist is willing to share their thoughts. The original concept of "six" was presented by the designers studio NAK Studio.
The main finding of this model is to move the Home button on the front panel on its side next to the volume buttons. It is possible to free space for the display, which grew to the size of the respective needs of the times, as well as easier to work with the phone.
The solution is very ambiguous, if not controversial. Otherwise, the unit has turned a very interesting and even attractive. Through a combination of glass and metal, as well as more streamlined than that of iPhone 4S forms, the phone looks stylish and fresh.


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