Pod2g: «If the only way to open the iOS - Jailbreak it, then it comes out. It is not over '

Yesterday, after news that the phrase "We want to open iOS» (# WeWantAnOpeniOS) came out in Twitter world trends , began to support a statement that the masters so recognized defeat to Apple. The reason is clear: instead of the announcement of the program to jailbreak iPhone 5 developers publicly asked the company to open a larger set of libraries and SDK API, allows you to make modifications to the program shell and iOS itself without breaking the firmware.

Today, however, the masters tried to allay the fears of people about the death of jailbreaking. As he put it Pod2g: «It's not over."
"I've read a few sarcastic remarks in the press in which the authors claimed that I created a hashtag # WeWantAnOpeniOS because I can not jailbreak iOS 6 and Apple won. This is not so for several reasons. First, the jailbreak is developed in the underground and it is not ready for public release. Second, this was written not by a master who is developing the exploit - I'm not looking for vulnerabilities in the iOS for several months. I am currently working on my own application and other projects. If the only way to open the iOS - Jailbreak it, then it comes out. This is not over. " 
Of course, words Pod2g gives us some hope, but at the same time, he did not say anything specific: jailbreak is still in development. When in fact, users will be able to install Cydia on your device? Waiting much delayed and, given that, in iOS 6.1 Apple has strengthened protection against breaking, doubts remain in the future jailbreak.

Pod2g: «If the only way to open the iOS - Jailbreak it, then it comes out. It is not over '

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