Showing posts with label Chrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chrome. Show all posts

For the year positions Safari and Internet Explorer strengthened, Firefox and Chrome – loose

Research firm Net Applications released a report on the distribution of the rating of desktop operating systems among users of the World Wide Web. According to analyst reports, At the end of last year, the share of Internet Explorer has increased by 3% to 54.8%. Safari positions also increased from 5% at the end of 2011 to 5.2% in December 2012.

According to analysts, the situation browsers Microsoft and Apple strengthened by the software from the company Mozilla. Firefox for one year lost nearly 2%, in late 2012, this browser has been set to one-fifth of a desktop computer connected to the Internet (19.8%).

Position other browsers have changed slightly. Third place belongs to Chrome. This browser, recall, journalists Compuware Announcing  the fastest on the planet , and the company Tom's Hardware bestowed him with the  best Internet browser . Be that as it may, the last year the share of Chrome decreased from 19.1% to 18%. Opera figure hovers around 1.7%.

If we compare the performance of browsers December from November, the first thing noticeable significant decline of interest in Firefox. In just a month, his popularity declined by 0.6%, the share of the browser the "dip" below the psychological mark of 20%. Chrome users increased by 0.8%.

How Google Chrome has become the most popular browser in the Internet [video]

Google Chrome is less than 4 years has managed to circumvent the seemingly the pedestal Internet Explorer. Then how is the five most popular Web browsers in July 2012.
Once the most advanced web browser Opera is going through hard times. Its market share - 1.5%. The program is still good for users, but because of the frequent scandals loses reputation, and as a consequence - and ratings. However, help may come from the social network Facebook, which soon may get a full "Opera".

More confident on their feet is the development of Apple - Safari, which has won 9% of the market. Steve Jobs has always said that Safari - this is the best browser in the world. But the main problem is that the program is naturally blends with the design of the operating system Mac OS X, but it falls out of Windows, giving competitors in speed, which greatly limits the ability of proliferation.

Closes the top three Firefox, which has 25% market share. That's the browser for a long time was the main competitor to Microsoft-application. The main advantage of Mozilla product that is easy to adjust the program "under him", but there is a drawback: as the only settings are too many, Firefox is losing much speed.

In the camp leaders have changed. Microsoft Internet Explorer now covers only 32% of Internet users. It would seem - a decent amount, but his victory was not enough. For years, Explorer has been on the top of the world, millions of people use them, but it is most likely not due to system and universal spread of Windows. Microsoft is ready to return to the top, and the basic expectations associated with Windows 8.

Finally, Google Chrome, the new leader, who captured 33% of the market for Internet browsers. The tests of performance and security, Chrome is not an absolute champion, but clearly, this is the browser that incorporates the best qualities of the competitors. The main ridge Chrome - a rate that is primarily concerned with those who are walking across the network.

How changed the balance of power in the market of web browsers from 2008 to 2012:

Mac-programs were not ready to run on the Retina-screen MacBook Pro

MacBook Pro with the display Retina , presented at the conference WWDC, of course, is a major breakthrough in the industry of portable computers. Screen resolution of 2880 × 1800 pixels with 15-inch diagonal - so far inaccessible to competitors index.
But as you know, update the hardware part of any electronic device should be supported by appropriate updates to the software. And, of course, to prepare for the Retina once the entire ecosystem OS X Cupertino Company did not have time, says Anandtech.

Where iOS automatically displays many elements of the interface in the resolution of Retina, OS X does not always cope. In particular, the world's most popular web browser Google Chrome to work on the new MacBook Pro is not ready: almost all of its interface looks blurry. This is especially noticeable when compared with the standard browser Safari. The same is true for the Steam client and the Kindle. In general, most Mac-software could not cope with the task (with clear information on the Retina), indicates the edition.

Of course, the identified problem will be solved soon. However, if its just ordered a MacBook Pro Retina you find a discrepancy between the quality of an application needs super fine computer display, you'll have to wait until the developers release a new version.

Of course, you can experiment with the settings to scale. Operating system OS X Mountain Lion can quickly change the resolution, setting up at the request of clarity and image sizes, and in contrast to the present numerical notation is switching between the five settings.

Google Chrome comes with version 18

Google has released the stable version of Chrome 18 , release date of the famous browser that fixes various bugs as usual, at the same time introducing new features. The bug fixes are nine, not classified as critical, and certainly stands out among all those already highlighted at Pwn2Own .

Among the new features must be listed on Chrome 18's Canvas 2D acceleration support (for Windows and OS X), already present in reality in the beta, then you add this functionality WebGL, particularly suitable for rendering with hardware older generation.
For Download please visit this link .

Google introduced a revolutionary multi-tasking for Google Chrome [Video]

Google is the official blog has announced the launch of the new Google Chrome features to support multiple computing tasks. Multitasking in the browser for Windows and Mac lets you use multiple computer mice at the same time.
Thus, the user can simultaneously Google Chrome, for example, playing chess on the computer and watch a video or draw and to correspond with one another. "This is a revolution in the Browser: navigate using two mice," - said in a blog Google.

"Before the advent of the mouse by interaction with the main computer was entering a specific command, waiting for an answer machine and start a new team. Therefore, the possibility to coordinate the movement of the cursor on the screen with the movements of the hands was a revolutionary event that forever transformed the work on the computer.

However, during all these decades, the mice were not fully utilized. While with one hand, we worked with the mouse, the other was in no way involved. The result - a rate of exchange of information is constantly growing, and the possibility of using the mouse - no.

To solve exactly this problem in recent years the team worked Google Chrome. And today we are pleased to tell you about how to use your browser's capabilities with double efficiency. We are a new feature called Multi-tasking. "

Google Chrome now supports many computer mice, touchpads, styluses, joysticks and other pointing devices as you can connect to your computer. Imagine, now you and your friends can simultaneously view not one but dozens of Internet sites.

Two "Easter Eggs" Chrome Beta for Android and many extensions in the future (video)

Google continues its tradition of hiding within its systems or specific applications of small whimsical so-called " Easter eggs "(Easter eggs). This time it was the brand new browser Chrome recently released as a beta for Android 4.0 and higher.
Some users found that very busy simply leaving open more than 99 cards (why should we wonder) in the browser looks a nice smile emoticon icon in the upper right that counts the tabs, informing us that you can not open new ones.
The second Easter egg is certainly more fun after you've opened some cards just scroll from the bottom up to 5 times and will do a somersault of tabs showing the Google logo like the title credits. This feature should also work with the accelerometer by tilting the phone 5 times. Two sympathetic curiosity that certainly will not be the sun, but let's see in the video:

Moreover Chorme for Android development kit uses the same as the desktop version, slightly modified, but that allows the addition of extensions and the creation of add-ons such as happens in computer counterpart. So, if the Beta is still plagued with stability problems in the near future, Chrome could really become the best browser for Android.

Google Chrome coming to Android? Convergence between Mobile and Desktop Web

After much thought and after talking for a long time it seems that the time is now near. We are talking about the arrival of the official Google Chrome , the famous web browser Google Android mobile platform . According to a post from developers, Google is developing  a powerful cross-platform application that will help the company to bring on a host of devices gradually Chrome several, including mobile.

Google will soon unify the platform of Android browser, Chrome OS, Windows, Linux and Mac OS.  On Monday, Google has finally published the  revision build target  for Android and the new browser will be based on  Webkit beginning.

Chrome on Android should theoretically provide the "same" features of the other party desktop with extensions, plugins, and full synchronization with bookmarks, tabs and history through the Google Account. Hard to imagine all the possibilities, however, to date the same as Chrome is a project under development and is not excluded that HTML5 will be to create applications that can be managed directly from the Web

The Tablet and the version dedicated to this type of devices, you may find even more interesting for users considering the flexibility of the tablets and the ability to connect external keyboard and mouse via wireless connectivity or through the appropriate accessories. Do not just have to wait and see if Google actually present, at an unknown date, a version optimized for Android Chrome . Having been compiled from a few days, hardly see him at the next event scheduled for October 11 Google.

Google Chrome recognized the fastest browser on the planet

The research division of Compuware, announced Chrome the fastest browser on the planet. In large-scale tests conducted by the publication, take into account the download time of more than 200popular web pages real users, rather than artificial benchmarks. Within a month, on users' computers had been installed a special "counter", which measured the time fully loaded web sites.

The leader of the download speed of web content has become Chrome 12. The average download speed of this browser page was 3.433 seconds. The second took place in the ranking, not strange, Firefox. Average when using the fifth version of the browser was about 3.9 seconds.
The most modest results showed Safari and Internet Explorer. Safari loads pages 5 to 4.5 seconds, and Internet Explorer 9, it takes on average a little more. Worst performance among all versions, participated in the study, Safari 4 - more than 6 seconds.
The researchers have ignored the "Opera", this browser is very popular in Russia. Probably because its share in the global market is very small.
As a second indicator Gomez experts have also examined the rendering speed - the time needed to screen appeared the visible portion of the page. On this indicator ahead of Chrome Firefox 5 12 - 2.18 seconds vs. 2.374 seconds, respectively.
The researchers emphasize that the results of the company Compuware is based on individual measurements of 1.86 billion on computers that real users.


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