How Google Chrome has become the most popular browser in the Internet [video]

Google Chrome is less than 4 years has managed to circumvent the seemingly the pedestal Internet Explorer. Then how is the five most popular Web browsers in July 2012.
Once the most advanced web browser Opera is going through hard times. Its market share - 1.5%. The program is still good for users, but because of the frequent scandals loses reputation, and as a consequence - and ratings. However, help may come from the social network Facebook, which soon may get a full "Opera".

More confident on their feet is the development of Apple - Safari, which has won 9% of the market. Steve Jobs has always said that Safari - this is the best browser in the world. But the main problem is that the program is naturally blends with the design of the operating system Mac OS X, but it falls out of Windows, giving competitors in speed, which greatly limits the ability of proliferation.

Closes the top three Firefox, which has 25% market share. That's the browser for a long time was the main competitor to Microsoft-application. The main advantage of Mozilla product that is easy to adjust the program "under him", but there is a drawback: as the only settings are too many, Firefox is losing much speed.

In the camp leaders have changed. Microsoft Internet Explorer now covers only 32% of Internet users. It would seem - a decent amount, but his victory was not enough. For years, Explorer has been on the top of the world, millions of people use them, but it is most likely not due to system and universal spread of Windows. Microsoft is ready to return to the top, and the basic expectations associated with Windows 8.

Finally, Google Chrome, the new leader, who captured 33% of the market for Internet browsers. The tests of performance and security, Chrome is not an absolute champion, but clearly, this is the browser that incorporates the best qualities of the competitors. The main ridge Chrome - a rate that is primarily concerned with those who are walking across the network.

How changed the balance of power in the market of web browsers from 2008 to 2012:

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