Here are the problems with the new iPad screen

Next week comes the new iPad with an HD monitor on the market and other European countries. In the UK Wired has already had the opportunity to test the new iPad - there is not a full review - and here is not surprising enthusiasm of the huge resolution of 2,048 x 1,536 pixels. This is more than a plasma television, more pixels than a Blu-ray movies and higher resolution than the best MacBook Pro - and everything on a small 9.7-inch screen.

There are four times more pixels on screen than of its predecessor, and it should mean that the text appears very sharp and clear on screen. Photographs and films in high resolution would also be a pleasure on the new screen. "I've seen 1080p video on my demo unit, and the quality is incredible. It looks really sharper than anything I've seen before. Think of the first you saw a DVD after you had seen the vhs. Do you remember how clear it all suddenly? It's the feeling I had with the new iPad, "writes Wired editor Nate Lanxon. It sounds fantastic - but the high resolution can also be a problem. It is so high that you can suddenly see the errors in even a small eight-megapixel image.  "The new display is so good that it makes images and video in low quality to look really miserable out. I walked into a news site to read a story and although the text looks fantastic, we could clearly see the compression errors in the small pictures in web solution, "writes Lanxon. The same applies for applications in low resolution - and here it is worth noting that all the current iPad applications to run at low resolution. They are automatically scaled to the new screen, but it also means that images and other graphic content may come to appear pixelated and edgy. In contrast, the iPad better at upscale text. It is obviously only a matter of time before the app developers will have adapted their applications to take advantage of the new screen and its graphic capabilities. Wired also writes that 3D games look very impressive on the new screen - and it helps that the new A5X processor has got quad-core graphics. But if one only uses his iPad to simple games, web browsing and recipes so you can also easily pass with the old iPad, which has now fallen in price, is the conclusion from Wired. 

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