Showing posts with label Tim Cook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tim Cook. Show all posts

The Envelope Trick: Tim Cook Reveals Why Steve Jobs' Simple Act Was a Game Changer

The Envelope Trick: Tim Cook Reveals Why Steve Jobs' Simple Act Was a Game Changer

In a world where tech presentations are filled with flashy graphics and intricate details, sometimes the simplest acts make the biggest impact. This was certainly the case when Steve Jobs, the legendary co-founder of Apple, introduced the MacBook Air in a way that left an indelible mark on the tech industry. Recently, Tim Cook shed light on why this seemingly modest act was a game changer, further cementing Jobs' legacy as a master of innovation and marketing.

The Envelope Trick: Tim Cook Reveals Why Steve Jobs' Simple Act Was a Game Changer

The Iconic Unveiling

During the Macworld Conference & Expo in January 2008, Steve Jobs took to the stage to introduce a product that would revolutionize the laptop market. Instead of a conventional reveal, Jobs pulled a manila envelope from under the podium. As the audience watched in anticipation, he pulled out the MacBook Air, showcasing its ultra-thin design. This moment wasn't just a clever marketing stunt; it was a demonstration of Apple's commitment to innovation, elegance, and user-centric design.

Why the Envelope Trick Mattered

1. A Powerful Visual Metaphor:

  • The envelope trick was a powerful visual metaphor for the MacBook Air's portability and thinness. It instantly communicated the laptop’s unique selling point in a way that words alone could not.

2. Simplicity and Surprise:

  • The act of pulling the laptop from an everyday office item underscored its groundbreaking thinness and portability. It was simple yet surprising, making it a memorable moment that stuck with both consumers and the media.

3. Strategic Marketing:

  • This move exemplified Apple's strategic marketing approach, focusing on creating memorable experiences and emotional connections with their audience. It highlighted Apple’s flair for theatrics and effective storytelling in product launches.

Tim Cook's Perspective

In a recent interview, Apple CEO Tim Cook reflected on this iconic moment, explaining why it was more than just a gimmick:

  • Innovative Spirit:
    • Cook emphasized that the envelope trick embodied the innovative spirit that drives Apple. It was a testament to how Apple thinks differently, not just about technology, but also about how to communicate its value.
  • Attention to Detail:
    • Cook noted that Jobs' attention to detail extended beyond product design to how products were introduced to the world. The envelope trick was a deliberate choice to showcase the culmination of Apple's design philosophy.
  • Legacy of User Experience:
    • According to Cook, this moment underscored Apple’s commitment to enhancing user experience. By highlighting the MacBook Air’s thinness and portability, Jobs showed that Apple was focused on creating products that truly added value to users' lives.

The Lasting Impact

The envelope trick did more than just introduce a new product; it set a precedent for how tech launches could be conducted. It showed that sometimes, the simplest acts could have the most profound impact. This moment has since been studied in marketing and business courses as a masterclass in product introduction.


Steve Jobs' envelope trick during the MacBook Air launch was more than a clever gimmick; it was a strategic move that showcased Apple's innovative spirit and commitment to user experience. As Tim Cook reflected on this iconic moment, it became clear that such simple, yet powerful acts have a lasting impact on the tech industry and beyond. This act was a game changer, not just for Apple, but for the way technology is presented and perceived by the world.

Here are some videos on youtube that discuss Tim Cook explaining why Steve Jobs pulling the first MacBook Air out of an envelope was a huge moment for Apple:

Apple: first year without Jobs

More than a year since Tim Cook officially took over the operational management of Apple. During this time, the company went through several stages. First, Cook was able to bring the cost of Apple shares to record levels in its history, but later there was a real public relations disaster caused by a failure Maps.

It also becomes clear that the traditional mobile market, which is crowded competitors have caught nothing: Apple's share of them will go down, no matter what the company undertook. For organic growth Corporation of Cupertino to discover new niches. Where lead the company, Tim Cook, tried to understand the journalists of foreign media reporters.

At the moment, the new CEO of Apple was seriously interested in the optimization of the company. He is actively working with partners builds, trying to beat out for themselves even more comfortable conditions for cooperation. He demands of Chinese collectors electronics reliability and efficiency, hones system sales in stores, builds perfect supply chains.

And he succeeds. The only unfortunate example of the company under the direction of Cook - mapping service Apple Maps, which has met with this fiasco. Now, the vast resources of the company left to refine this product, and the manager in charge of iOS Scott Forstall fired from his job. Evil tongues say that Cook just got rid of a manager who could take his place: for the CEO have been Forstall and abilities and ambitions.
Apple logos design

In the future, Apple is planning to control the production of components for the devices themselves, to make all the key components for its products, including work on the design of their own microprocessors.

In the production of the iMac in the U.S., the company has already invested $ 100 million. Plus Cook began his director's work with that person to visit all factories in China, which collect technique Apple. Jobs never did.

Cupertino-based company also plans to "fix" the system sales of its devices, fully concentrating in their hands. It is no secret that there are no problems with buying Apple gadgets not only for U.S. consumers, in Europe and Asia to buy its gear is not so simple. To correct this situation, Tim Cook has hired John Brouett, the former head of European sales of Dixons, which in the autumn dismissed. Brouett Apple was on the team for a brief period, but managed in the meantime to make some unpopular decisions.

Cook also focuses on how to provide its users with the best technical support. Steve Jobs at Apple tech support was useless perhaps the main reason for complaints against the company. New CEO and plans to patch this hole.
Apple logo with iPhone

But all this is not enough. Apple for sustainable growth requires a new superfood, because since the iPad, released in 2010, no breakthrough gadget company has not released. All analysts and journalists agree that this gadget will be a new television company. Apple wants to reform the market for television technology, just as it did with the digital music market. Rumor has it that the company has already started experimenting with the design of device. Panels for them will do the Japanese Sharp.

Finally, Cook will have to finish conceived by Steve Jobs has a new campus for Apple. Its design is very similar to what would look like an interplanetary spacecraft. The building area of ​​176 acres delayed until at least 2015: the company is too busy to follow and for this project.

Tim Cook will be working in office nine years - until 2021 he signed a contract with Apple. What will become of the company throughout current time, it is complicated to expect.

Pirer Jaffray analyst Gene Munster believes that ahead of us, not only the era of Post-PC, but the era of Post-Apple. The fact is, the expert said that the "hardware" is not as important as before, and all the devices become faceless terminals to access information. All the gadgets are more or less the same in terms of functionality, features and design. The difference between them is erased. What is truly valuable is information, and it does not Apple.

Apple employees receive a discount of $ 500 to buy the Mac and $ 250 - on the iPad

In early 2012 Apple CEO Tim Cook has promised to run a program of discounts for "apple" products for company employees. Head has kept his promise and on Thursday, "incentive" discount program has its official launch.
Now all Apple employees may purchase signature tablet iPad at a discount of $ 250, and the new Mac computers discount is $ 500. Note that the discount program does not affect existing bonus for employees at a rate of 25% of the cost of gadgets. In other words, an Apple employee can now buy iPad third generation at a price of $ 125.

Despite the fact that Apple employees can buy the program absolutely any model, the next generation of MacBook Pro with Retina-display, it is not available. In addition, this discount does not apply to a tiny Mac mini, the price of which starts from $ 599.

Take advantage of the general discount of $ 750 may be only once in three years, and it will be available only to those who worked at Apple at least three months. Up to this point, workers had only a discount of 25% on the purchase of "Macs."

When Jobs was not like this: 10 things you never would have made the founder of Apple

Speaking at a conference All Things Digital, acting Apple CEO Tim Cook said that he was not trying to be the new Steve Jobs. Cook was replaced by Steve Jobs as CEO of the company in August 2011.
Steve Jobs, who was one of the founders of the company, died on October 5. As stated by U.S. President Barack Obama, this man is among the greatest of American innovators - bold enough to think not so, as all strong enough to believe in their ability to change the world, and quite talented to do it.

"Steve was a visionary. I never tried to replace him, "- said in an interview with Tim Cook, an American newspaper Wall Street Journal. The head of the company several times rejected a question about how Apple will change under his leadership, but he added that he is trying to replace Steve Jobs, and wants to be just a good general manager for Apple.

Despite the fact that, in his official address to the staff of Tim Cook promised that all the principles of Apple will remain unchanged , the corporation has undergone several changes. Gizmodo published an edition of 10 things you would not have happened if it was at the helm of Apple, Steve Jobs. After all, they are completely contrary to his principles and beliefs.

A. Siri

Jobs did not take an active part in the creation of a personal assistant to the iPhone 4S. In the book «Apple inside" Adam told a story about how Jobs is taking part in the last meeting, which was a question about iPhone 4S, he asked a question and Siri, "you're a man or a woman?". Siri said that she can not gender. Jobs like this answer, and he gave the nod to the continued development. However, knowing how much dissatisfaction among users will Siri, is unlikely he would have approved of her appearance in the iPhone 4S, even in a beta product.

Two. 4-inch screen

According to rumors, the new iPhone will get a 4-inch display that would be another reason for the discontent of the founder of Apple. Jobs was convinced that the 3.5-inch - is the ideal screen size for a smartphone. Even once joked that the 4-inch Android phones look like skateboards.

Three. Managers point out techies

In a recent article, Fortune appeared negative feedback control on the way Tim Cook: "It seems that the heart of the new Apple are conservative managers, not engineers and innovators - said author Max Paley, who left in 2011 as vice president of technical issues in Cupertino . - When I worked there, the tasks defined by engineers and management to manufacturing and supplying required to provide them with everything you need. Now, the priorities have changed.

4. The talks with Samsung, a puppet of Google

This is where Jobs was adamant, so it is that the developers' stolen product »Android should not conduct any negotiations. Can only be one outcome: Samsung to admit defeat. Especially because the South Korean company - one of the major manufacturers of hardware platforms for Google.

Five. Apple TV interface

If you believe the words of engineers working on set-top box Apple TV, then the interface is used today was rejected by Jobs even five years ago. However, after he had left someone in the company came up with the idea that the existing development and would be back. What was actually done.

6. The deterioration of the characteristics of new products

The thickness and weight of the new iPad a bit more than the iPad 2. And time has decreased by almost an hour. Of course, these differences are not too significant, but it's a step backward, a compromise that Jobs is bitterly hated.

7. Support for charity

It is known that Jobs is extremely reluctant to engage in charity. The only time he went to such a support for non-profit organization, owned by Bono, lead singer U2. But in this case pursued the commercial interests of Apple. Today, Apple gets bogged down in a deeper charity. Not that it was bad. Simply Jobs from this obviously would not have come into raptures.

Eight. Dividend payments on equity issues

Jobs has never paid dividends, preferring the money to invest in further development of the company. He believed that it is very important - always ready to have a strategic reserve, the amount by which you can be really useful to make a purchase. And recent developments in the payment of dividends is contrary to his convictions.

9. Disclosure of insider

Gizmodo staff are confident that with a live Jobs no one would have dared to divulge the secrets of the company, as it did recently head of Foxconn, Terry Gou. The latter told the public about what Apple really wants to start producing its own model of the TV. And even enumerated a list supplied to the plants Foxconn components for this.

10. Features user interface iOS

Interface iOS increasingly cluttered sorts of small, annoying users nuances. But Jobs is known for having paid much attention to detail, times to the most detail, and thus bringing development to the hysteria.

Presentation of the iPhone 5 will be held on the campus of Apple

According to received from a very reliable source of All Thing Digital Information, autumn event in 2011 dedicated to the release of new products from Apple, will be held in Cupertino And not in San Francisco.
According to the publication, presentation of the iPhone 5 will take place in the heart of the company - the assembly hall Town Hall Auditorium headquarters Apple, located at Infinite Loop, 1. Given the size of the allocated space to visit the Event will be no more than several hundred people. However, the history is well known that the size of the room has little effect on the scale of the event - in 2008 at Town Hall were announced MacBook laptops with body unibody, and in 2010 held a press conference devoted to problems with the antenna the iPhone 4.

What exactly caused the leadership of Apple to abandon well-established tradition of updating the iPod line of digital arts at Yerba Buena Center It is not known:

"Perhaps for the first release of a new chapter to the stage at Apple decided to pick a platform  - writes John of All Thing Digital. - Perhaps, Apple simply did not have time to reserve Yerba Buena to a specific date. But anyway - for the first time the new iPhone we will show in the corporate campus. "

If the previous insider John is true, then the presentation of the iPhone will be nearly five a week later - on October 4.

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