Apple released a device you can check your blood sugar levels

Apple in conjunction with the British healthcare company Sanofi released a device that promises to make life easier for diabetics. Any user of iPhone, iPod touch and the iPad able to measure blood sugar levels while using a mobile device.
The gadget, dubbed iBGStar, is a small adapter with a 30-pin connector that connects directly to your phone or player. A blood test is based on a drop of blood sampling is performed by a small strip at the bottom of the unit.

iBGStar screen and is equipped with its own battery, in his memory can hold up to 300 test results - the usual parameters for the meter. A distinctive feature is compatible with the iPhone.

When you connect to your iPhone and launch a special application from the App Store, the device automatically loads the data stored in it, and track personal information about the level of sugar. Thanks to the user or his doctor will be able to analyze the course of the disease and better control it. In addition, research results can be easily emailed to your doctor.

According to the experts, particularly useful iBGStar bring people who have diabetes of the 1st and 2nd types, since they are constantly able to monitor blood glucose levels.

The gadget goes on sale today for $ 75 .

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