Why are left without a new iPad Siri

Until the day of presentation of the new iPad appeared on the Internet rumors about the new Tablet PC Apple. It became clear that the device will display Retina, but whether it is based onA5X processor or A6, remained doubtful. In addition there were questions about the support networks of LTE and the amount of RAM. Whether it is thicker? As it would be called - iPad 3 or iPad HD? (Regarding the latter issue, many make a mistake, the tablet has been called simply - iPad).
However, the fact that the iPad will be the third generation of Siri, no one doubted. That's why the fact that the voice assistant is not included in the box of the new device, was the biggest disappointment for the users.

Why Apple has refused to Siri iPad?

It all comes down to two basic points. First, for the normal functioning of the Siri need a permanent connection to the Internet. But the tablet is, unfortunately, does not provide such opportunities to their owners, unlike iPhone 4S, which has in any modification of a built-in 3G-modem. With it, Siri can always contact the Voice server Apple to find answers.
The problem with iPad is that the company produces two versions of the tablet, one of which supports only Wi-Fi, and the second - a 3G and LTE. Thus the device can not rely on a persistent connection to the network. Siri users on the new tablet would have to act on principle - there is a connection there, and Siri, which complicates the situation where a person is away from home or on vacation.

On the one hand, Apple representatives could explain to the public that Siri will not work without an Internet connection. On the other hand - such solutions do not fit into the overall concept of Cupertino. Either everything is working perfectly and for all, or not at all. While on the other hand, if, for example, iPhone 4S does not have access to the Internet, the application states that can not function at the moment. But such cases are very rare.

But even if we imagine for a moment that the developers have gone to such a move, there is another reason for the lack of Siri in tablets iPad - it just stopped working. Someone may try to challenge such an assumption, but the fact remains. The beta version of voice assistant less intelligent and efficient than they were five months ago, at the time of launch.

Do not believe me? This fact was noted by Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Cupertino corporation.

"Before, I asked Siri:« What are five largest lakes in California, "and the answer followed immediately. Now these questions, it just ignores it. Or this: "What are a prime that is greater than 87", and then you can expect a response. Now, instead of numbers of lakes and issued a list of real estate. Now you can ask a hundred times to dial the phone number given bar and the question will remain unanswered, "- said Woz.

And indeed, the first version of Siri could answer almost any question. With it you can easily find out the average increase in American men. Now she calls a very high mountain, and the number of men living in the United States. Even those who are not experts in this field claim that Siri was much smarter than immediately after the release. Now, its status changed from beta to alpha.

The fact that Siri was stupid, can be explained by the fact that the developers have difficulty in fitting the servers under high load of users iPhone 4S. Today, it is sent so many requests that the creators can not allocate less capacity for the calculation of the responses that resulted in a decrease in its level of intelligence. This is how to weaken the power of chess computer, which is less thinking about his next step.

Now imagine what would happen to after the market will leave 60 million of new plates, if now there are difficulties when dealing only with the iPhone 4S.

It is hoped that one day the iPad users will be able to still talk to Siri. However, it will not happen today.

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