Showing posts with label Accessories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accessories. Show all posts

Zens officially announced a new Wireless Charging Kit for Samsung Galaxy S III

This is not news that one of the most anticipated accessories for Samsung Galaxy S III comes out with several months of delay from the terminal, we are talking about wireless charging base that has impressed during the presentation of the smartphone, but that unfortunately is still in the imagination collective. From a third-party vendor as Zens could reach the turning point and anticipate the same with a new Samsung Wireless Charging Kit dedicated to your Samsung Galaxy S III.
Just like other similar products, the board created by Zens has replacing the back cover of your smartphone to be able to recharge the battery through induction, available in both colors Blue Pebble and Pearl White, the only difference is the logo that more marked, but the brand Samsung Zens.
The purchase price for the cover is not compatible yet been formalized, while the base charge is proposed at a price of about € 56 on Amazon, assuming a reasonable price for the first could be a really interesting kit at a price lower than the original one.

Here's the original cover for Nexus 7 on video!

If you are about to buy the Nexus 7 or are you still waiting for the European market the product, definitely a good case could be very important and, in addition to the unofficial holiday, Asus and Google offer various cover and flip houses is one of the most opaque .

unluckily, despite this the magnetic sensor, Asus did not exploit this feature and then closing and opening the cover will not occur on and off screen.
We can only hope to see it marketed in Europe in the near future or maybe just to coincide with the launch of the Nexus 7 in the peninsula.

Motorola cuts the price of his smartwatch of $ 100, but only in America!

As you well know, Motorola introduced a few months ago, an alternative to Apple iPod Nano : The MOTOACTV.  Although MotoACTV  is a  smartwatch  (unlike the iPod music player that is born and becomes then watch), having as Android operating system, we saw its potential to be huge.  However, also because of the price, the Motorola smartwatch has never been as successful as hoped by the winged house.

We do not know if Motorola has realized that the price was out of business, or if you're just cleaning up its inventory to make way for "new arrivals", but now you can buy  MotoACTV  well with $ 100 less.

All versions of smartwatch have suffered a significant price cut. Here are the new prices:

  • MotoACTV 8GB : $ 149 against $ 249 initial
  • MotoACTV 16GB : $ 199 against $ 299 initial
  • Multi-Sport Edition : $ 299 against 349 $ initial
So, at this price, the Motorola smartwatch becomes very interesting. If you take a ride in America , you should buy it. In fact, the cut of $ 100 has been applied only on American soil, while in the European countries, the 8GB version still costs too much.

Alternatively you can always wait until the second wave of Android smartwatch.  by

Google Accessory Development Kit: Another surprise from Google I / O

The surprises are not finished by the Google I / O 2012 and the last day of conferences, meetings and presentations, Google has unveiled the new  Google Accessory Development Kit , a tool capable of concentrating in a unique, special and really cool, everything the need to appease developers who want to experiment with Android. In practice, Google introduced a "super alarm clock".
What you see pictured in the photo is actually an alarm clock, but for the happiness of the most imaginative developers, may be something much more thanks to a huge number of sensors and the ability to interface with Android and be managed remotely. The Google Accessory Development Kit opens fully with magnets that allow access to internal components in an instant. We find accelerometer, barometer, gyroscope and many other sensors which can be exploited depending on your imagination and skills.
An object is certainly not for all that you see in the video below. The worthy end of three days devoted primarily to developers. by

Samsung Galaxy S III immediately call for a cable MHL

In one way or another, the new top range Samsung continues to be talked about, and it is not news at all that they are always positive: for example, some neo-smartphone owners will not be too pleased to know that their old MHL cable (maybe used just on a different model of the Korean house) will not work with the Galaxy S III.
Due to a change in pin built by Samsung for reasons about which we can only speculate (use of new accessories? Reasons design? Having an excuse to sell a new accessory?) The ordinary microUSB-HDMI adapters do not work, and if we really wanted connect your phone to a modern TV should necessarily buy the appropriate cable, sold at about $ 38.

The two videos below were made ​​by its Clove, the dealer that you have linked above with a catalog this unique cable MHL, and another curious detail, that we can not, however, confirm or deny is the fact that it specifies that only work with 1080p resolution , thus leaving out a good chunk of TV games.

Whatever the reasons, however, Samsung's move as unfortunate side effect of the ' additional cost of $38 for those who need to connect your smartphone to your TV , plus the addition of the cost of HDMI cable, unless they had one (a tip: those in a nondescript plastic bag in the bottom of a shelf somewhere, in most cases, work as well as the most noble that cost 3-4 times as much). Source: Visit

Here comes the mirror with Android from Japan: Smart Wash Basin

Are you renovating your house and you have to redo the bathrooms? If you want something original and high-tech you might be interested in the Smart Wash Basin, a mirror with the Android OS. This is a very unique solution that offers the display of weather forecast, information on the weight (if connected to a scale), social widgets, email and more while maybe brushing your teeth.
The whole is based on a simple warning LCD situated behind a semitransparent mirror, which in turn is connected to a Tablet Android. A solution is not particularly expensive but definite impact. You can see how it works in the video below:

Smart Wireless Headset Pro: a Bluetooth headset to do everything (video)

With the commercialization of the new Xperia range, Sony also unveiled a series of new accessories. From SmartWatch, the Xperia Tags for changing profiles until you reach the NFC  Smart Wireless Headset pro .
It is basically a bluetooth stereo headset with in-ear headphones and a receiver that can connect with the phone / tablet. Through the receiver, however, can handle MP3, read sms, manage calls and display a variety of information on the screen.
The interesting thing is that it can function alone. It has integrated a MicroSD memory card reader that allows you to use the accessory like a real MP3 player separate and completely autonomous. An ideal solution for those who love to run, and music without being afraid to download your smartphone. Below is a video demo that shows the product:

The Glasses are already in Google: Sergey Brin caught with a working prototype

It will also still embryonic, but Google Glasses seem much more real than initially imagined. To put the other cards on the fire are Robert Scoble and Thomas Hawk who met Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google, at a charity event of the  Foundation Fighting Blindness. Nothing special except that Sergey was presented with a pair off in Glasses belonging to the Google Project Glass .
According to Scoble glasses have a pleasing and are not very flashy and showy offering a line much like normal glasses. Although there have been no direct evidence of the technology used by the glasses and there was a demonstration of the operation, the authors of the images confirm that the glasses were "on" or at least it was a LED to blink.

Project Glass  seems to have very concrete and Google certainly did not lose time for ourselves create Hype about this new product, unfortunately, still virtually unknown.
Ones pictured are a prototype model and away from those shown in the video yesterday.
Exploring the Reading:

Top 10 Interesting iPad Accessories

The drive home electronic products, accessories, practical function, most important, but if the utility more than able interesting of course is the best. I gave brief  top ten interesting Apple iPad accessories.
iArm: the iPad care arm. With this product, iPad control anytime, anywhere using the iPad. Bacon-like iPad sets: for love to eat (especially love to eat meat) users. iMaxi: This iPad sets to your iPad fitted with wings. iPad special suits: practical ah! iTee iDress: the iPad special T-shirt and skirt. C-3P0 backpack: very cool. iBone: Strictly speaking it is in fact not iPad accessories, if non-related, then, can only say to the dog with the iPad. the iPad the Dock: classic iPad tray. i Pad bicycle care: with this user, in addition to the iPad enough love, driving skills must also be very smart. iPad Waterproof Case: With this level of protection can also be used when bathing.


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