Smart Wireless Headset Pro: a Bluetooth headset to do everything (video)

With the commercialization of the new Xperia range, Sony also unveiled a series of new accessories. From SmartWatch, the Xperia Tags for changing profiles until you reach the NFC  Smart Wireless Headset pro .
It is basically a bluetooth stereo headset with in-ear headphones and a receiver that can connect with the phone / tablet. Through the receiver, however, can handle MP3, read sms, manage calls and display a variety of information on the screen.
The interesting thing is that it can function alone. It has integrated a MicroSD memory card reader that allows you to use the accessory like a real MP3 player separate and completely autonomous. An ideal solution for those who love to run, and music without being afraid to download your smartphone. Below is a video demo that shows the product:

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Nice Technology