Showing posts with label Glass Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glass Project. Show all posts

The adult film industry interested in the Google Glass

If you would like to have a lot in the futuristic glasses Google, before 2014 we could hardly buy them because the testing phase will begin next year and will last several months. At Google I / O was explained that in 2013 developers attending the event which ended last week, Google will buy a prototype of Glass at about $ 1500 to start developing applications and expand the capabilities of this very cool gadget.
The interest created by this accessory is still huge and not only developers and users interested in the glasses but also the world of adult films seem to see in this instrument a potential "new perspective". A spokesman for Mikandi, an Android application for adults, said:

We're already imagining some ways to use the Glass that Google will have more flexibility than with normal cameras.
Actually you can have a lightweight, practical and versatile shooting in HD moments and situations can be useful in many areas and, in this case, Google did not go unnoticed Glass Hard to industry. We'll see if in 2013 or 2014 team Mikandi apply this new perspective to their work.

New video shows the features on the Google Glass shooting and video

Yesterday by going to Google+ , the Mountain View giant has released a new video on the characteristics of the glasses prodigy who made ​​a lot about if this Google I / O , where finally the beginning of next year we will see them into action through community development waiting to buy them presumably by early 2014.
Called Sessions Glass , from time to time be issued these short videos lasting a few minutes where we can get to know what we can do with these glasses by simply looking through the glass lens. This first part shows how Google Glass can be used to capture all those special moments of our lives, and to easily share live video through a video call with one or multiple people, all this through the lens of the HUD.

Google Glass Explorer Edition preorders starting today at $ 1500 (Video)

So many irons in the fire that made ​​the giant Big G ​​during the first day of the Keynote Google I / O over a few hours ago. He spoke not only of minor / major update Android 4.1 , the tablet Asus Nexus 7 and the new media, style Apple TV, Nexus Q , but also the well-known social network Google + and coveted Google Glass , the unusual glasses integrated camera and display of augmented reality.
Announced version Explorer Edition, were shown to the general public of the Google I / O 2012 still as prototype , but was finally set a date and a price: it speaks of a generic 2013 and set at a cost of $ 1,500 .

These special glasses, remember, are equipped with three sensors (gyroscope, accelerometer and compass), the camcorder / camera, a microphone for voice commands, wireless radio antenna, a speaker and a touchpad, all managed by a cpu and an undefined amount of ram anonymous. The version put forward a few hours ago is not going to mass , but will be used to start application development project dedicated to Glass by Google.
The small display that will display the various information that is at the top so as not to obstruct our view in "normal" and, thanks to a weight lower than that of a pair of sunglasses, do not bother to give any person who wears them. Lucky i found that at the end of this day will try them directly to Google I / O. Again next year for a wider availability.

Sony also has its Google Glass thanks to a patent

For now it is just a patent filed by Sony on to something very similar to the futuristic Glass Warehouse, demonstrating not only the home of Mountain View to be the only interested in making a project like this and although there are movies or evidence of actual product as shown by Google, it is clear that Sony is moving towards the same path.
Compared to the competition, Sony wanted to put more attention on the visual to see how we can be divided into two separate lenses allowing a view and a concentration of about double. According to the patent is also a kind of connectivity with a clock allowing access to the Internet and exchange data in real time, exchange of tag with friends through the eyes and more likely to see you soon with maybe even the first images of the prototypes.

Sony does not seem to want to be under the monopoly could be created in this sector in the near future and if Apple , according to rumors, is developing his glasses actually increased competition not fail to come on very soon.

Google patents the touchpad on the Google Glass

We return to talk about the Google Glass, the futuristic glasses that are slowly becoming more concrete. The last patent filed in particular relates to a control system based on a sensor pad placed on the temple of the eyeglasses. In practice, in addition to voice control that we are all very curious to see in action, you can select some options through the touch of a finger on the temple of the glasses.
Being on both sides, the touchpad will have different functionality depending on the screen where we will be. So Google has patented this works so you do not take risks in the future.

Google has shown a dizzying video, filmed on augmented reality goggles

Internet, Google has begun testing a computer of the future, which can be worn as glasses . At first it was not clear, the concept is either a real device while the co-founder  Sergey Brin has not appeared in public  in the prototype. He also said that the gadget is at the initial stage of creation and does not have full functionality, which is shown in the promotional video.
Project, Project Glass, which was conceived Google, is a device similar to a frame for glasses. Device will have all the functionality of a smartphone - that is, to perform routine and video calls, send messages, leave a geolocation check-ins and publications in social networks, take notes, take pictures and video, use the map services, listen to music and so on.

In addition, the company plans to introduce the device technology of augmented reality - on the displays can display information with reference to the actual location of the user. For example, when you look out the window the user can see information about the weather on the street, and at the approach to the metro station - data on repairs and possible alternative routes.

On the eve of Google's official blog has posted a report on a walk, in which the corporation employees and invited guests walked through the streets and shot "type of eye." The results look interesting, and image quality - at an acceptable level.
Also published photographs of points, and can be seen in the fact that they consist of two modules - as it has been drawn in recent patents. On the fact that the display is the power button, located in the head bears, as well as a port-like mini-USB. This module is hidden all the electronics, while the second, which is located behind the ear, contains a battery. Bloggers noticed the interesting details: for example, a label that says "the product is no endorsement of the Federal Communications Agency" and "product is not for sale", as well as the protrusion of unknown destination, which may well prove to be a plug for another port.

In the same gallery posted a video in which Google has successfully shot glasses combined with jumping on the trampoline. Video has a resolution of 720p, which gives an idea of ​​the possibilities of the camera itself.
Concept Project Glass, which is in development for about two years in a laboratory of innovation Google X, is still very far from the start of mass production. Google developers wrote that revealed the plans for the project to get feedback from potential customers.

The founder of Google X talked about augmented reality glasses and made them a photo

The project points augmented reality Google was announced a few weeks ago. Initially, it was not clear, the concept is either a real device While the co-founder of the Internet Corporation Sergey Brin has not appeared in public in the prototype points. He also said that the gadget is at an early stage of development and does not have full functionality, which is shown in the promotional video.
Recently, Sebastien Tran, a professor at Stanford University and founder of the Laboratory of Google X, which develops an accessory codenamed «Project Glass», was invited to American television, to be exact - on the Charlie Rose show. That would be an ordinary interview, if Tran had not come to the shooting in augmented reality glasses.

Guest Rose made it clear that the project has already moved his laboratory from the concept stage to create a functioning prototype stage: the touch of a housing unit he did a photo and posted it on the web a couple of nods. Tran also said that the glasses today can be used for working with e-mails, thanks to the voice commands, however, have not demonstrated their application. Glass and can read the messages to the user, which, oddly enough, is not used telepathy, and a simple headset.

According to Tran, the modern technology of augmented reality failed because of low concentration on ways to facilitate interactions between people. With Glass, for example, in his words, "other people can see what I see." The video shows that the glasses are sitting on the eyes and do not interfere with their owner to inspect the environment is not augmented reality, also got into the lens with respect to the massive power behind the ear Tran, which supposedly contains the battery.

When the offspring of Project Glass will be in retail sales - is unknown, but if the search giant will address a number of technical problems, such glasses can replace the usual smartphone us by becoming a device for everyday use.

The full version of the video can be viewed on the video below:

The Glasses are already in Google: Sergey Brin caught with a working prototype

It will also still embryonic, but Google Glasses seem much more real than initially imagined. To put the other cards on the fire are Robert Scoble and Thomas Hawk who met Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google, at a charity event of the  Foundation Fighting Blindness. Nothing special except that Sergey was presented with a pair off in Glasses belonging to the Google Project Glass .
According to Scoble glasses have a pleasing and are not very flashy and showy offering a line much like normal glasses. Although there have been no direct evidence of the technology used by the glasses and there was a demonstration of the operation, the authors of the images confirm that the glasses were "on" or at least it was a LED to blink.

Project Glass  seems to have very concrete and Google certainly did not lose time for ourselves create Hype about this new product, unfortunately, still virtually unknown.
Ones pictured are a prototype model and away from those shown in the video yesterday.
Exploring the Reading:

Official Google Glass here is the innovation of Google

Although we were initially skeptical view of the proximity of April 1, the Google Goggles seem to be real and the project was officially shown through the pages of Google + Glass Project . Being extremely futuristic and perhaps too perfect, the initial doubt may arise, but many people, checking various sites and the same Social Google, it turns out that the whole is surprisingly real.
Before we leave you to speak with the official video that will surely leave you speechless.

Leaving aside the usefulness of the project itself and its future application in daily life, what catches one's eye is the capitates to interact with the "glasses" through the voice. A voice control system much more advanced than those offered by Google today and you could be the future project assistant speech emerged several months ago for the Android platform.
At the moment everything is a project that has been shown a few hours ago by developers and not yet practical. The same video is not a hands-on real and actual performance may differ. We remain however very surprised by this new method that makes the voice, augmented reality and a set of built-in sensors to receive calls, including video, social networks and learn to use the information on the places that surround us, from the streets to the subways premises and places of interest.
An ambitious project, very interesting that we hope will soon come to life in a concrete way. Possible uses are varied also because the  ProjectGlass  does not seem to stop wearing glasses, but just the same technology, it is not clear within what limits, could be integrated into contact lenses.
This implementation is probably still far from the technical and temporal, but the design of the glasses seem much more concrete than it sounds, and the official opening of the page will be used to gather feedback, suggestions and follow any developments in the coming months. We'll see if in the near future Google will walk down the street with glasses talking and interacting electronically with people near and far.

We believe technology should work for you - to Be There When You Need it and get out of your way When you do not. A Team Within our Google [x] group started Project Glass to build this kind of technology, One That Helps you explore and share your world, putting you back in the moment. Follow along with us at  as we share some of our ideas and stories. We'd love to hear yours, too. What would you like to see from Project Glass?  by

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