Apple employees will be free to download applications from the App Store

By New Year's holidays, Apple decided to make a special gift to their employees. During a recent meeting, the company announced the launch of a new program for employees Apple Store retail stores under the name App Discovery.

According to MacRumors, citing informed sources inside Apple, access the program App Discovery, employees will be free to download for themselves many popular paid applications from the App Store.

Apple leadership program designed not only to a better understanding of workers in the software for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, but also as an additional incentive bonus for employees.
Note that a Californian company employee also receives a substantial discount on the purchase of any computer running Mac OS X in the amount of $ 500. The discount does not apply only to the tiny Mac mini, the price of which starts from $ 599. In addition, employees can get a discount of $ 250 for the purchase of any model of the tablet iPad.
Starting a new program App Discovery is scheduled for this week.

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