Showing posts with label Apple Store. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apple Store. Show all posts

British child spent $ 1615 on in-game purchases in iPad

In the UK, parents often have to pay huge bills of their children, who are spending money in the shareware games on iPhone and iPad.

It is reported by the British newspaper Daily Mail, Popular projects like Angry Birds, Fasci zombies and Penguin Rush can download and install free of charge, but in the course of the game on the screen and then there are pop-up ads with the offer to buy something. Applications can purchase additional game coins, new levels, weapons and special abilities for the characters, which allows faster and more efficient to pass this or that game.

The money spent on these services are removed from the parents' credit cards. According to the publication, the 6-year-old Jake Sadler spent 1615 dollars playing on iPad mum. Parents learned about it only after a call from the bank, when his team discovered unusual activity on the credit card holder. 
"We could not think that the money goes to the card while we were not informed of the bank - says Jake's mother happened Gemma Sandler. - I was shocked when I looked the details of the account and saw that amount. " 
It is noteworthy that on mobile devices Apple, which are played a thousand children, not only in Britain but throughout the world, requesting a password for in-game purchases. But if the parents themselves will enter the password of your account, then the children have a 15-minute opportunity to the next entry to purchase a variety of gaming.

In this case, parental controls, built-in operating system iOS, can remove purchases as well as directly within the games and applications. But in practice, many parents do not know about these options, so the children and parents continue to spend more money, immersed in virtual reality on its iPhone and iPad.

The car rammed the glass door of the Apple Store in Chicago [Photos]

Car brand Lincoln Town Car on Sunday night rammed the front door of the shop Apple in Chicago. Fortunately, there were no casualties, a man received minor injuries, Was sent to the hospital. Other visitors, who at that time were in a shop, got off with only a fright.

According to 9to5Mac, driving the car that night was an elderly man who just lost control. Apple Store will be closed for two days.

Note that this is not the first time Apple Store hit by a car. In 2011, the Apple Store in Greensboro, North Carolina was closed all day after unknown by car rammed his storefront . Unlike the incident in Chicago, it was a failed attempt to rob. According to witnesses, after the crash of the dark gray "Honda" came the robber, dressed in a suit of white ninja. In this case, the samurai, afraid of what he'd done, just ran away without taking anything with them.

Drugs, theft and harassment: chaos in the Apple Store

It turns out the recent case of the world's largest retailer Walmart, whose officers "abused" with gadgets Apple, is not the prerogative of the company. Employees branded retail Apple iPhone themselves often play football, replacing computer components that are sent to service, cheaper counterparts and even selling drugs. This is stated in an exclusive article site Gizmodo, has published dozens of letters from anonymous employees of Apple.

Reports from witnesses have come from different parts of North America - New York, Tennessee, California, Massachusetts, Canada, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Texas. Thus, according to one employee department Genius Bar, in his shop are cases when engineers are a fraud for his friends and acquaintances, replacing iOS-device with a long warranty on the new ending. Other fake documents to get a new iPhone or iPad, replacing the old "accidentally broken."

Author of the letter with the name Nicole said that the leadership of its Apple Store, taking advantage of office, shall from warehouses iPhone smartphones for tens of thousands of dollars for resale. The administration of the outlet acquired cocaine from employees and sexually harassed subordinates, by offering higher wages.

Regular buyers Apple Store, which, for one reason or another do not like consultants, get the "Hall of Fame", according to Gizmodo. Photos of such visitors are posted for all to see and signed ridiculous names. Some take the opportunity to gain access to personal data of customers Apple Store for personal use, and between the store employees are frequent mutual insults and harassment.

The practice of forgery devices with long over warranty on new long been familiar to the employees of another Apple Store, the newspaper notes.

"My iPhone on the screen there was a small crack. We played football in the phone, and then when on a little left, drawn up by the warranty, and I got a new smartphone "- Gizmodo quotes one of the users.

Apple opened a three-story Apple Store in Hong Kong

On Saturday, December 15, Apple has opened a brand new store in Hong Kong. As you would expect, hundreds of customers visited a store on the first day. Apparently, the company expects to continue unprecedented in scale offensive in the Chinese region.

Apple already has more than a reseller in Hong Kong. Three-story Apple Store with glass 10-foot wall was opened at the famous shopping district of Causeway Bay (Causeway Bay) - the most expensive street in the world with an average rental rate 22 307 euro per square meter.

"Apple" foray into the lucrative Hong Kong market was waiting for a long time. Apple opened its first store in mainland China a few years ago. Yet Chinese buyers regularly travel across the border to buy products Apple. Earlier in customs in Shenzhen while trying to smuggle illegal smartphones iPhone from Hong Kong  was arrested  12-year-old smuggler, hung phones iPhone 4S. Residents of the mainland often buy iPhone there because of the low prices and lack of binding to the cellular operator.

As noted by MacRumors, today new stores Apple Store opened in Chzhendu (China), Melbourne (Australia) and Malmo (Sweden).

Apple will sell multi-color smart LED-Lamp Philips Hue, controlled from the iPhone and iPad

This week, Apple will start selling in their online Apple Store brand new product - smart multi-color LED lamps from the company Philips. Philips Hue differ from similar A remote control with free apps for iOS.

LED lamp Philips Hue allows users to change the color of the lighting in different rooms, varying levels of brightness, turn on and turn off the device by touching the screen iPhone or iPad.

How the system works is pretty simple. The basic package includes three LED lamps and one wireless controller. The controller must be connected to a home router, and Philips Hue used to replace the old incandescent bulbs. They are compatible with most standard cartridges.

Using the app for iOS-devices, you can rename the LED-lamp according to the rooms in which they are located. Then, by moving the slider to the special touch of the LCD panel i-gadget from left to right, you can change the light intensity or color bulbs.

The application includes 12 variants of color schemes, including "sunset", "deep sea", "beach" and "hammock". When you select an option, the three lights change color instantly. For example, after clicking on the "beach", they are dark pink. If you do not like this option, simply select a different color palette. If you have found a suitable option, you can set it to a schedule: go to settings and set the on and off. Lamps can be controlled via the Internet.

Basic package costs $ 199; additional LED lights will cost $ 59 apiece. The high price is due not only to the "smart" stuffing and durability of the product. Philips Hue can run for 15 years (or 15,000 hours of continuous lighting) and thus consume five times less electricity than standard incandescent bulbs.

Proper marketing from Apple, or a secret notebook at the Apple Store

Notebooks Apple lure users ... tilt the display! This unexpected conclusion was marketing expert Chris, reports Extrafast.
Consultants in the Apple stores are able to make the products caused an irresistible desire to go and touch the device. The great task workers such brand outlets Apple Store is, as it turned out to display the laptop was located at a right angle.

Chris likened this move to "a girl in a bar" - sometimes it really is able to absorb all your attention. But she does not do anything - just sit back to you, slightly leaning. At least so it seems at first glance. Something about her posture attracts you. Something is calling you to come closer. The same, says marketing guru, makes and Apple.

According to Forbes published the information each employee Apple in the morning at work first thing in your iPhone includes and starts the application «Simply Angle» («just a corner"), which allows the laptop to the position of "seductive".

"The angle of desire" is exactly 70 degrees. Please note, not 71, and in no case 69.

Carmine Gallo, an analyst at Forbes also analyzed such "fraud» Apple, came to the conclusion that at 70-degree angle to the user wants to go straight to the laptop and set up "for themselves."

So, when you unsuspectingly walk into the store Apple, you just have a glance at the new MacBook Pro - and all that being said, the client is ready.

Samsung denies having anything to do with the protest against Apple in Australia

Certainly remember the ranks of people who dressed in black yesterday to cry Awake!  have chanted against an Apple Store in Sydney : the finger was immediately pointed at all of Samsung, including after the video where users of the apple were combined with a herd of sheep (or should we say iSheep ), but the company has firmly denied.
Samsung Electronics Australia has nothing to do with the campaign 'Wake-Up'.
Short answer and lapidary, but still does not explain the relationship between the flash-mob and the date of May 3 at which point the countdown on thehomonymous site .
 Among other things, wanting to read the statement in a mischievous, denied the involvement of Samsung Australia, this does not imply that there may be involved, for example, Samsung New Zealand , for one thing.
In short, the question is clear: we must believe it or not?

Samsung held a flash mob in the Australian Apple Store [video]

As part of an advertising campaign for the forthcoming release of the smartphone Galaxy S III Samsung spent in Australia the Apple Store the original flash mob. According to 9to5Mac, a group of people dressed in black came out of the bus and surrounded the main Apple retail store in Sydney. They waved placards with the inscription, and loudly chanted «Wake Up!» («Wake up! ').
Officially, the South Korean manufacturer is not involved in acts that do not dare to name the word promotional campaign. However, as it became known Australian blog Mumbrella, this ad campaign for Samsung organized a local marketing agency Tongue.

What added to Samsung?

Previously, the company has launched  a promotional video for the promotion of smartphone Galaxy S II , where as the progress of its advertising marketers decided not to talk about the benefits of your product, and tried to "delete" of its main competitor. In the video, she mocks the fans hurt Apple, iPhone 4S representing buyers as a "zombie" ready to defend kilometer line at the Apple Store.

In the case of the Galaxy S III, Samsung have become more aggressive. In addition to the antics of today's protesters with the strange, the company released a series of video teasers on the future of mobile flagship. In these commercials iPhone users and phones of other brands  are compared to sheep . Quite correctly, but very clearly communicates the position of Samsung in regard to Apple.
It is obvious that such antics Samsung is trying to attract consumers' attention to their gadgets. But the question is: Is it possible to collect an audience of loyal fans, talking not about the benefits of your product, and "dropping" the competition?

Whether there are all these attempts Samsung with you our attention, we learn very quickly. Announcement of the smartphone Galaxy S III will be held in London on May 3 

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