Drugs, theft and harassment: chaos in the Apple Store

It turns out the recent case of the world's largest retailer Walmart, whose officers "abused" with gadgets Apple, is not the prerogative of the company. Employees branded retail Apple iPhone themselves often play football, replacing computer components that are sent to service, cheaper counterparts and even selling drugs. This is stated in an exclusive article site Gizmodo, has published dozens of letters from anonymous employees of Apple.

Reports from witnesses have come from different parts of North America - New York, Tennessee, California, Massachusetts, Canada, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Texas. Thus, according to one employee department Genius Bar, in his shop are cases when engineers are a fraud for his friends and acquaintances, replacing iOS-device with a long warranty on the new ending. Other fake documents to get a new iPhone or iPad, replacing the old "accidentally broken."

Author of the letter with the name Nicole said that the leadership of its Apple Store, taking advantage of office, shall from warehouses iPhone smartphones for tens of thousands of dollars for resale. The administration of the outlet acquired cocaine from employees and sexually harassed subordinates, by offering higher wages.

Regular buyers Apple Store, which, for one reason or another do not like consultants, get the "Hall of Fame", according to Gizmodo. Photos of such visitors are posted for all to see and signed ridiculous names. Some take the opportunity to gain access to personal data of customers Apple Store for personal use, and between the store employees are frequent mutual insults and harassment.

The practice of forgery devices with long over warranty on new long been familiar to the employees of another Apple Store, the newspaper notes.

"My iPhone on the screen there was a small crack. We played football in the phone, and then when on a little left, drawn up by the warranty, and I got a new smartphone "- Gizmodo quotes one of the users.

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