Proper marketing from Apple, or a secret notebook at the Apple Store

Notebooks Apple lure users ... tilt the display! This unexpected conclusion was marketing expert Chris, reports Extrafast.
Consultants in the Apple stores are able to make the products caused an irresistible desire to go and touch the device. The great task workers such brand outlets Apple Store is, as it turned out to display the laptop was located at a right angle.

Chris likened this move to "a girl in a bar" - sometimes it really is able to absorb all your attention. But she does not do anything - just sit back to you, slightly leaning. At least so it seems at first glance. Something about her posture attracts you. Something is calling you to come closer. The same, says marketing guru, makes and Apple.

According to Forbes published the information each employee Apple in the morning at work first thing in your iPhone includes and starts the application «Simply Angle» («just a corner"), which allows the laptop to the position of "seductive".

"The angle of desire" is exactly 70 degrees. Please note, not 71, and in no case 69.

Carmine Gallo, an analyst at Forbes also analyzed such "fraud» Apple, came to the conclusion that at 70-degree angle to the user wants to go straight to the laptop and set up "for themselves."

So, when you unsuspectingly walk into the store Apple, you just have a glance at the new MacBook Pro - and all that being said, the client is ready.

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