Samsung held a flash mob in the Australian Apple Store [video]

As part of an advertising campaign for the forthcoming release of the smartphone Galaxy S III Samsung spent in Australia the Apple Store the original flash mob. According to 9to5Mac, a group of people dressed in black came out of the bus and surrounded the main Apple retail store in Sydney. They waved placards with the inscription, and loudly chanted «Wake Up!» («Wake up! ').
Officially, the South Korean manufacturer is not involved in acts that do not dare to name the word promotional campaign. However, as it became known Australian blog Mumbrella, this ad campaign for Samsung organized a local marketing agency Tongue.

What added to Samsung?

Previously, the company has launched  a promotional video for the promotion of smartphone Galaxy S II , where as the progress of its advertising marketers decided not to talk about the benefits of your product, and tried to "delete" of its main competitor. In the video, she mocks the fans hurt Apple, iPhone 4S representing buyers as a "zombie" ready to defend kilometer line at the Apple Store.

In the case of the Galaxy S III, Samsung have become more aggressive. In addition to the antics of today's protesters with the strange, the company released a series of video teasers on the future of mobile flagship. In these commercials iPhone users and phones of other brands  are compared to sheep . Quite correctly, but very clearly communicates the position of Samsung in regard to Apple.
It is obvious that such antics Samsung is trying to attract consumers' attention to their gadgets. But the question is: Is it possible to collect an audience of loyal fans, talking not about the benefits of your product, and "dropping" the competition?

Whether there are all these attempts Samsung with you our attention, we learn very quickly. Announcement of the smartphone Galaxy S III will be held in London on May 3 

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