The car rammed the glass door of the Apple Store in Chicago [Photos]

Car brand Lincoln Town Car on Sunday night rammed the front door of the shop Apple in Chicago. Fortunately, there were no casualties, a man received minor injuries, Was sent to the hospital. Other visitors, who at that time were in a shop, got off with only a fright.

According to 9to5Mac, driving the car that night was an elderly man who just lost control. Apple Store will be closed for two days.

Note that this is not the first time Apple Store hit by a car. In 2011, the Apple Store in Greensboro, North Carolina was closed all day after unknown by car rammed his storefront . Unlike the incident in Chicago, it was a failed attempt to rob. According to witnesses, after the crash of the dark gray "Honda" came the robber, dressed in a suit of white ninja. In this case, the samurai, afraid of what he'd done, just ran away without taking anything with them.

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