Microsoft entices developers webOS-free phones

Microsoft is going to take setbacks in the promotion of its HP platform webOS and is ready to offer frustrated developers free phones , tools and training - anything to attract them to your team.

Just a day later after HP announced the discontinuance of mobile devices based on webOS, Brandon Watson (Brandon Watson), the main developer of Microsoft, has decided not to miss an opportunity to publicly and offered cooperation with webOS-developers. In my microblog on Twitter, he wrote:

"I appeal to all the WebOS-developers: we'll give you everything you need to successfully work with WindowsPhone - Free phones, the tools, training and so forth."

All who are interested in the proposal, received by e-mail instructions on how to become a member of the team Windows Phone. But most of all, Microsoft is unlikely to get hold of a large team of professionals, as it is the lack of interest from developers to the platform webOS caused her death. At the time of the tablet TouchPad last month there were only 6200 applications for webOS, of which 300 - optimized for Palm (for comparison - the beginning of July on the App Store had about 425,000 iOS - applications).

Last Thursday, HP announced an important decision - the company changes its course of development and is going to go feet IBM, focusing on software and services. The manufacturer has admitted that his business did not bring the Tablet success, and sales of devices based on webOS were below expectations. Now the world's largest PC maker has been studying strategic options for further development of its computer business - it can be separated into a separate company or sold to interested buyers. According to recent reports, the sale of tablets have been so sluggish TouchPad that the retailer Best Buy stores remained unsold for almost 90% all stocks. The company had to pay a premium of $ 100 million to write off unsold stocks TouchPad.
For its part, Microsoft intends to make its mobile platform, Windows Phone 7 competitive alternative to Apple iOS and Google Android. The software giant is preparing to release this fall a major software upgrade. By Nokia, which has renounced its own Symbian platform in favor of Windows Phone 7 start selling its first device based on WP7 also this year.

The head of Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer) last month, acknowledged that sales of machines with Windows Phone 7 have been low, but promised that the situation will change and everyone will see "big progress in the mobile phone market as they [Microsoft] forward."

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