Official model of "space" Apple office at 12000

The company from Cupertino, provided a detailed description of what is called a new "Space is headquartered Apple». The site appeared design schemes, as well as three-dimensional layout of the building, the first of which Steve Jobs said in June.
Then the CEO, speaking at a meeting of city council of Cupertino (Calif.), offered to build a new campus of 12000 employees. As planned by the creator of the iPhone and iPad, office must look like a spaceship landed on Earth.
As a place for the new building was chosen territory Hewlett-Packard on Prunridzh Avenue, which  Apple acquired in November last year. With the purchase of the land area of the campus, Apple has doubled. According to experts, this site was worth at least $ Jobs 300 million
All of this structure with surrounding areas will occupy 2.8 million square meters. The building has a corporate fitness center, numerous offices for development, cafe 3000, underground parking and much more.
The company does not hide the detailed layout of the building and design materials:
It is interesting that, according to published images, on the roof of this wonderful building will house solar panels. It is expected that construction of the "Space Shuttle» Apple to begin in 2012 and its opening will take place in 2015.

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