iPod nano will support Bluetooth 4.0 to integrate with the iPhone

We have heard many rumors about the update Apple smartphone this autumn, had information about the output of the new tablet. Held information and the emergence of 3G-modem in the iPod touch. But we forgot that in September, it updates the entire line of player’s iPod. According to 9to5Mac, Fall Event Apple will be full of surprises and one of them will update the tiny iPod nano. Last year, Apple introduced a new series of "nano" form factor which has changed dramatically - reduced size of the device, there is support for multitasking and filling in the form of a stripped-down version of iOS.

What's new for Apple fans have prepared nano this year? As you may recall Apple sly early widespread adoption of technology Bluetooth 4.0 into their computers. The first module, Bluetooth 4.0 got Mac mini and MacBook Air.
What features of this protocol? First, Bluetooth 4.0 promises the highest efficiency and therefore longer battery life, as well as an unprecedented range of 100 meters.

In the Bluetooth 4.0 low power consumption is achieved by using a special algorithm works. The transmitter is switched on only at the time of sending the data, which provides the opportunity to work on a single battery for a few years. The standard provides a data rate of 1 Mbit / s with packet size 8-27 bytes. The new version of two Bluetooth-enabled devices can connect in less than 5 milliseconds, and maintain it at a distance of 100 m.

Energy Efficiency Bluetooth 4.0 makes it a prime candidate for integration into the new iPod. And, thanks to the support of the standard, iPod nano can be used as an accessory to the iPhone. Just imagine: the player is equipped with this module will be able to receive text messages from iMessage, data from the Nike + iPod, report about calls, calendar events and "push" notification to the iPhone.
As an example, publication of results in accessory Live View from Sony. The gadget can connect to the phone on Android via Bluetooth, and then begins to receive from them a variety of information:

WIMM Labs - a more complex platform, which is a micro-computer wrist, with the support of not only Bluetooth, but Wi-Fi:

Will iPod nano to support Bluetooth 4.0? What do you think?

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