ASUS: Transformer Prime until it gets 3G

It is learned that the company has no plans to ASUS to launch 3G-version of the new tablet Eee Pad Transformer Prime, tablet debut on the platform Tegra 3 for the first able to access the Internet only via Wi-Fi, but this version goes on sale in the next month. A similar scenario was observed when running the original Transformer, although at that time, the company plans to exact value and the 3G-version of the tablet.
However, in case of a "tablet" second generation a bit more complicated, manual ASUS has not yet made a decision regarding the release of version with integrated WWAN (ie with a 3G-modem), the company wants to look at the behavior of the market: "At the moment we will only version with Wi-Fi, but depending on how you react to the market, we can decide on the issue of 3G-model. " It is hoped that the new tablet will be successful. At a minimum, because the purchaser should have a choice.

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