[Mac OS X] How to Troubleshooting Trash

Sometimes users OS X face the challenge of cleaning baskets of it contains the deleted files and directories.

That's our chief Mikhail today called on Twitter:

How to clean the trash? Removed backups in a basket and now these files are not removed

Most often these problems are related precisely to the fact that usually in such cases, said she OS X - something like "The file you want to remove is used by another program" . And this is indeed the case. Most users do not consider the fact that closing the window and its completion in OS X is not the same thing (as opposed to Windows). Typically, in such cases, the problem of cleaning baskets solve simple enough.

Just need to figure out what program can open the file, which can not be removed from the Recycle Bin , complete this program ( Cmd + Q ) and try again to clean shopping cart . This usually helps.

But in some cases (namely, a similar case and ran into Michael) previous advice does not help and it's usually associated with the violation of system permissions for the deleted file or directory. And in such cases, the problem is solved by a simple command to be executed by running Terminal.app . Here is the command:

sudo rm-r. / .Trash / *

This command will need to enter your password. As a result, you get what you achieved:

PS But Michael was not looking for easy ways! And to do otherwise. He just found a program that actually executes the above command. And thus decided to do my problem. Well, it is also a good option.

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