Sony is preparing a television platform, which would eclipse Apple iTV

Howard Stringer, chairman of Sony said the company plans to release a television next-generation platform, which will eclipse the development of Apple in this area. In an interview with WSJ, he saidThat has no doubt that the former head of the U.S. Executive Steve Jobs is working on a concept of iTV , which considers itself Sony.
The fact that Jobs had dreamed about  television with the Apple logo told by his official biography. And, according to experts, in order to make a revolution in television, the company does not need to invent its own LCD panel with a receiver and other hardware stuffing. Suffice it to offer a replacement to traditional remote control, equipped with dozens of different buttons, the exact purpose of which is able to learn only the most meticulous users.

Apple development could potentially lead to a breakthrough, as Steve Jobs once said that they were finally allowed to question a TV with the simple interface. It is assumed that this is a Siri-like technology - according to rumors, this is the TV now being prepared in the bowels of Cupertino.

What strategy is going to stick to Sony is not yet clear. Google TV 2.0 , announced last month, may offer a significant upgrade, but does not promise a revolution in this field.

Regardless of the new TV, the chairman of Sony thinks the company that eventually catch up with Apple with its iPhone, but this requires a seamless integration. "The beauty of the iPhone in that it is really well organized," - said Howard Stringer. He believes that the Japanese corporation, finally, there are components to challenge Apple: the company has spent five years building the ecosystem, capable of competing with the brainchild of Steve Jobs, and now the platform is deployed. The new strategy will bring together Sony supposedly mobile phones, tablets, PCs and TVs on the principle of "4 Screen".

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