Safari 5: How to additional options using the debug menu

Like many native Mac OS X Applications also include a Safari 5 debug menu. This menu using an OS X terminal commands to be activated, the default preferences do not offer this option.

Using the debug menu gives you access to many additional options. For example you can automatically refresh a web page off (option: Use Windows multi-process). You also have the debug menu with the possible additional statistics to view (Windows caches, load test meter and frame rate meters).

Most options speak for themselves, other functions are 'cryptic' as defined by Apple. The debug menu is primarily intended for application developers and Apple engineers. If you're curious you can activate the debug menu as follows:

Quit Safari, and copy the following command in OS X Terminal:

defaults write include internal debug menu 1

After rebooting displays the debug option in the menu bar.

You can debug menu off by 1 in a 0 to change.

defaults write include internal debug menu 0

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