g Apple launches new iPod touch ad on iOS 5

Apple launches new iPod touch ad on iOS 5

Earlier this week, Apple introduced commercials, on tablets iPad . Yesterday, on the eve of "Black Friday", which begins the Christmas season sales, the company launched a new promo video for players iPod touch.
As you know, a line of iPod touch has not been updated this year. In October, Apple presented the only white player modification and announced price reductions on popular touchscreen device. In addition, moved to a new operating system iOS 5. The main focus of the new video was taken on this.

Promo is interesting not only because it illuminates the classical functions of iPod touch, such as video and Game Center, but also reveals new possible devices on firmware iOS 5, which put it on a par with the iPhone. Customers player Apple can send text messages and make video iMessage smartphone iPhone, Tablet iPad, Mac and other iPod touch through FaceTime. Touchscreen device costing $ 199 - a great alternative for those who are not willing to spend money to buy "apple" phone.

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