Eighteen months prodigy from Britain has learned to use the iPhone and the iPad

In the UK, found the boy prodigy, who at 1.5 years taught himself to work on the iPhone and the iPad at the level of an experienced user, writes TengriNews. Now Sherwin Sarabi two years, and he knows how to read and write.

"We have never explained to him how to use gadgets Apple. When you look at it from the outside, it seems that Sherwin does not do it for the first time, "- said the boy's parents Amanda and Darud Sarabi.

Professionals who found her son's parents were also impressed with his mental faculties. It turned out that the child is using the application for the iPad, learned the location of 195 countries on a map, and easily determine their flags. The boy is also well versed in anatomy and what functions are performed by authorities.

According to parents, their son is constantly exploring new things and do not stop asking questions. Recently, he was awakened by his mother at night to tell her the law of gravity, open Isaac Newton.

Sarabi is now already offer free tuition to go to the best schools in Britain and Switzerland. Nevertheless, the boy's parents until this is not in a hurry, wanting to have his son had a normal childhood. According to the press secretary of the organization Gifted Children's Information Centre, a gifted child needs constant monitoring in order to further the child was able to reach their full potential.

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