Hours MacBook Air and MacBook Pro dropped after installing OS X Mountain Lion

Some owners of MacBook Air and MacBook Pro have complained that after installing a new operating system, Mountain Lion laptops were quickly discharged when running on battery power.

According to numerous reports on the official forum support Apple, after installation of the platform OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion laptops began to work significantly less than with the previous system OS X Lion: the battery life has decreased by ten percent, and in some cases has decreased by about half.

Go to Forum Apple, dedicated to this issue, on Monday there were over 450 messages. Members talk about the high temperature of the CPU's idle computer, in addition, in some cases, significant energy consumption, even in sleep mode.

This is not the first time such an effect due to the use of the new OS for the last time. Immediately after the release of OS X 10.7 Lion last year, some owners of MacBook also faced with a reduction in battery life of their computers.

As long as Apple refuses to comment and intends to conduct its own investigation, one of the websites created a poll on the subject, influenced by whether the update on your computer. The survey has gathered 35 000 people.

17.6% of those who voted in the affirmative ("Yes, the difference is visible"), 17.3% - a negative ("After installing Mac OS X Mountain Lion battery life has not changed"). Another 13% reported that it does not have to install a new OS, and 6.5% were unable to determine whether there were any changes in the battery. However, the vast majority (45%) preferred to first learn the results of the survey before answering.

Another approximately 100 people chose the option "I have decided this issue and will share in the comments" were made with a variety of assessments. First of all, it was about using Wi-Fi and Skype, which rapidly discharge the battery.

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