The adult film industry interested in the Google Glass

If you would like to have a lot in the futuristic glasses Google, before 2014 we could hardly buy them because the testing phase will begin next year and will last several months. At Google I / O was explained that in 2013 developers attending the event which ended last week, Google will buy a prototype of Glass at about $ 1500 to start developing applications and expand the capabilities of this very cool gadget.
The interest created by this accessory is still huge and not only developers and users interested in the glasses but also the world of adult films seem to see in this instrument a potential "new perspective". A spokesman for Mikandi, an Android application for adults, said:

We're already imagining some ways to use the Glass that Google will have more flexibility than with normal cameras.
Actually you can have a lightweight, practical and versatile shooting in HD moments and situations can be useful in many areas and, in this case, Google did not go unnoticed Glass Hard to industry. We'll see if in 2013 or 2014 team Mikandi apply this new perspective to their work.

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