Google has shown a dizzying video, filmed on augmented reality goggles

Internet, Google has begun testing a computer of the future, which can be worn as glasses . At first it was not clear, the concept is either a real device while the co-founder  Sergey Brin has not appeared in public  in the prototype. He also said that the gadget is at the initial stage of creation and does not have full functionality, which is shown in the promotional video.
Project, Project Glass, which was conceived Google, is a device similar to a frame for glasses. Device will have all the functionality of a smartphone - that is, to perform routine and video calls, send messages, leave a geolocation check-ins and publications in social networks, take notes, take pictures and video, use the map services, listen to music and so on.

In addition, the company plans to introduce the device technology of augmented reality - on the displays can display information with reference to the actual location of the user. For example, when you look out the window the user can see information about the weather on the street, and at the approach to the metro station - data on repairs and possible alternative routes.

On the eve of Google's official blog has posted a report on a walk, in which the corporation employees and invited guests walked through the streets and shot "type of eye." The results look interesting, and image quality - at an acceptable level.
Also published photographs of points, and can be seen in the fact that they consist of two modules - as it has been drawn in recent patents. On the fact that the display is the power button, located in the head bears, as well as a port-like mini-USB. This module is hidden all the electronics, while the second, which is located behind the ear, contains a battery. Bloggers noticed the interesting details: for example, a label that says "the product is no endorsement of the Federal Communications Agency" and "product is not for sale", as well as the protrusion of unknown destination, which may well prove to be a plug for another port.

In the same gallery posted a video in which Google has successfully shot glasses combined with jumping on the trampoline. Video has a resolution of 720p, which gives an idea of ​​the possibilities of the camera itself.
Concept Project Glass, which is in development for about two years in a laboratory of innovation Google X, is still very far from the start of mass production. Google developers wrote that revealed the plans for the project to get feedback from potential customers.

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