Apple “officially” gave up some MobileMe features

In general we can say that MobileMe features will be upgraded simply by switching to a new service iCloud, but not all - before Apple announced that the Gallery, iDisk and iWeb will cease to exist. Every day we learn more about the future of cloud services, and recently kupertinovtsy made ​​it clear that the function of synchronizing data in iCloud just will not.

The main feature of the Mac, and later, and MobileMe, the cloud has been integrated with iSync - a special tool for Mac Apple, which was used to synchronize data stored on multiple devices and has become part of the "digital hub strategy", first introduced about 10 years ago. Synchronization option in the Mac and MobileMe «moved» actual database from the user's Mac to the cloud, and made it possible to sync between Mac additional types of melon.

Now MobileMe can synchronize between Mac various settings, including the widgets Dashboard, Dock - elements, passwords and credentials in the Keychain, information about accounts email (in particular, Mail Rules), Signatures and Smart Mailboxes, and System Preferences.

However, all these functions are unavailable when a user "migrate" from the MobileMe service in the new iCloud, with the help of a dedicated portal created by Apple / move.

Other functions of MobileMe, which will not be tolerated in iCloud, including the media - Hosting Gallery, cloud "storage» iDisk and integrated web hosting iWeb, MobileMe will be available to subscribers until June 30 next year, even after transfer to iCloud other data. These functions are easy to make independent iCloud, since no direct counterpart in the new "cloud" they do not.

Media - Hosting Gallery received a "second wind" with a new feature Photo Stream, which allows you to transfer photos and albums directly to mobile devices, Mac and Apple TV, and not through the web site. Similar opportunities are given iDisk - user stores various types of documents and data in a personal space for "apple" Internet - servers, but not in the web hosting services.

While the process of "migration" in iCloud is only available to developers, because it requires the presence of iOS 5 beta 5 in the mobile device, package, Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 with iCloud for Os X Lion beta 6 in the Mac, and iCloud Control Panel for Windows beta 4 in your PC.
Why take time to go?

In general, the fact of termination of certain features in the new Apple iCloud cloud seems curious, especially the "Keychain» Keychains and system settings System Preferences - perhaps, the company intends to transfer these functions "at the mercy of" third-party developers to come up with their applications for these functions .
Mail accounts have been sufficiently processed in Mac OS X Lion, and do the same job in iCloud, surely it would be too time-consuming, at Lion external mail accounts are now integrated with the applications «Mail and Notes» (mail and notes), «Calendar and Reminders »(calendar and reminders), Chat and Contacts.

In addition, Dock - elements in the new Lion «grown up" in the function of Launchpad, which can cause problems synchronizing elements of Mac OS X Lion with other Mac, which run on earlier versions of Mac OS X.

Apple notes that if the Mail, Contacts and Calendars will "migrate" to MobileMe from iCloud, bookmarks Bookmarks can be simply imported from the client system. The fact that Apple needed to reduce the list of migration in iCloud Data Group, said that the company strives to make the transition from MobileMe to a new "cloud" as simple and user-friendly.

Another reason for the difference in the list of MobileMe features and iCloud may be changes in security that are open iDisk from a careful isolation of iCloud documents Documents & Data.

Now, with the MobileMe synchronization in Mac OS X Sync Services, they (the data) is copied into a special folder with open access. It is likely that Apple is going to fully protect data and prevent any iCloud malicious attacks. Individual applications, such as the Keychain Access, Launchpad and System Preferences, in the future can be modified to find their place in iCloud, but in a more secure fashion than MobileMe.


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