Custom Concept 5 iPhone in Canada

The closer the release of a mobile phone next generation of Apple, the designers have more imagination, demonstrating his vision of new items. Artist Alexei Mikhailov from Canada presented his creation, which he called the iPhone 5.
The main advantage of this concept is its non-standard housing on the one hand we see the rounded corners and on the other, on the contrary - emphasized direct. In this version of the smartphone resembles a miniature book, which makes sense, because reading e-books becoming more popular even in these gadgets.
Technical features of the iPhone 5 designer does not open, most likely, there will be dual-core chip A5, as well as 32 or even 64 GB of capacity on the internal drive. You can also see the HD-camera for FaceTime-links and dual LED-flash, allowing pictures to make a more vivid and eliminate defects such as clearly defined shadows and red eyes. It is hoped that this will be the iPhone 5 as attractive.

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