Release of iPhone 5 postponed from September to October

You may be disappointed if you expect the iPhone 5 in September. Pachkovski John , in his article on the website All Things D says that rumors were circulating before the release of a new smartphone in mid-September is not correct. In confirmation of these words, he quoted "a source familiar with the matter", arguing that the smartphone will appear in October.
And if you are already entangled in a variety of conflicting rumors about the iPhone release date 5, remember: in The China Times newspaper last week reported that the vendors are already preparing for the smartphone 400 000 test run between 6 and 15 September. Apple has not yet made any statements about the release date next-generation iPhone, what keeps all in suspense since the time of the June Worldwide Developers Conference on the platform Apple WWDC 2011, where it usually presents its new smartphones.
Pour oil on the fire and reported that due to preparations for the release of the iPhone 5 employees telecommunications company AT & T prohibited to take vacation during the last two weeks of September.However, the source Pachkovski denies all the rumors and claims that the iPhone 5 will appear in October, although a specific release date and a smartphone is not called. But Pachkovski good nose for accurate rumors related to by Apple.
According to Chris Davies, a journalist with the Internet resource, for a number of these rumors may be the company Apple, whose marketing is likely to seek to adjust the rampant rumors and "achieve a more adequate expectations in order to avoid massive disappointment in September, and with it, possible fall in stock prices. "
Details about the technical characteristics and new features in iPhone 5 virtually none. According to various conjectures in the new smartphone will use dual-core processor A5, installed in the same tablet iPad, a camera on the back with a higher resolution, and possibly a chip that allows the smartphone to work as a network of GSM, and CDMA.

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